The drainome: longitudinal metagenomic characterization of wastewater from hospital ward sinks to characterize the microbiome and resistome and to assess the effects of decontamination interventions

L.B. Snell*, D. Prossomariti, A. Alcolea-Medina, M. Sasson, M. Dibbens, N. Al-Yaakoubi, G. Humayun, T. Charalampous, C. Alder, D. Ward, A. Maldonado-Barrueco, O. Abadioru, R. Batra, G. Nebbia, J.A. Otter, J.D. Edgeworth, S.D. Goldenberg
*King’s College, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 153, 55-62

二段階か一段階か – 新生児保育器のコンタミネーションの除去法はどれも同じか?★★
Two-step or one-step - are all methods for neonatal incubator decontamination equal?

S. Watkin*, H. Dunn, D. Ready, K. Rennie, A. Soares, L. Ciric, E. Cloutman-Green
*University College London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 153, 50-54

Comparison of methods for sampling and detection of carbapenemase-producing organisms in clinical handwash basin drains in health care

M. Meda*, M.M. Sagair, M. Weinbren, C. Wells, S. Ezie, M. Navarro, S. Cherupuzhathottathil, C. Nagy, M. Fortes-Aguila, N. Da Silva Martins, V. Gentry
*Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 152, 28-35

CATERPILLAR 研究:小児腫瘍患者における中心ライン関連血流感染症予防を目的としたタウロリジン・クエン酸・ヘパリンロック溶液とヘパリンロック溶液を比較するための、評価者を盲検化した無作為化対照試験★★
The CATERPILLAR study: an assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial comparing a taurolidine – citrate – heparin lock solution to a heparin-only lock solution for the prevention of central-line-associated bloodstream infections in paediatric oncology patients

C.H. van den Bosch*, Y.G.T. Loeffen, A.F.W. van der Steeg, J.T. van der Bruggen, F.N.J. Frakking, M. Fiocco, C.P. van de Ven, M.H.W.A. Wijnen, M.D. van de Wetering
*Princess Máxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 152, 56-65

軟性内視鏡チャネルにおける有機残留物の最適な検出を目的とした迅速 ChannelCheck™ 洗浄検査に対するシミュレーションを使用した評価★★
Simulated-use evaluation of rapid ChannelCheck™ cleaning test for optimal detection of organic residues in flexible endoscope channels

K. Kulkarni*, M. Gavette, M.J. Alfa
*A Getinge Company, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 152, 66-72

オーストラリアの病院での皮膚と軟部組織の治療における抗菌薬処方の質:National Antimicrobial Prescribing Surveyデータの解析★★
The quality of antimicrobial prescribing in skin and soft tissue management in Australian hospitals: an analysis of the National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey data

S. Park*, K. Thursky, L. Zosky-Shiller, R. James, R. Cheah, L. Hall, C. Ierano
*University of Melbourne, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 152, 142-149

Trends in the hand hygiene practices using alcohol-based hand rubs in Japanese hospitals before and after the novel coronavirus pandemic: an observational study using national surveillance data

T. Higashionna*, H. Hagiya, Y. Fujita, T. Kiguchi
*Okayama University Hospital, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 152, 150-155

アイルランドの大規模病院における ST80 バンコマイシン耐性エンテロコッカス・フェシウム(Enterococcus faecium)クローン複合体タイプ CT2933、CT2932 および CT1916 の長期的伝播および持続:39 か月間の全ゲノムシークエンシング研究★★
Protracted transmission and persistence of ST80 vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clonal complex types CT2933, CT2932 and CT1916 in a large Irish hospital: a 39-month whole-genome sequencing study

N.L. Kavanagh*, P.M. Kinnevey, S.A. Egan, B.A. McManus, B. O’Connell, G.I. Brennan, D.C. Coleman
*University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 11-20

Impact of intermittent versus continuous infusions on central line-associated bloodstream infection risk in haemato-oncology patients: a quasi-experimental study

A. MacPhail*, A. Nguyen, V. Camus, M.-N. ChraÏti, E. Dalex, Y. Chalandon, G. Catho, D. Bosetti, S. Masouridi-Levrat, S. Harbarth, M.-C. Zanella, N. Buetti
*Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 21-28

病院の水環境と抗菌薬の使用:カルバペネマーゼ産生セラチア・マルセッセンス(Serratia marcescens)の院内アウトブレイクで重要な因子★★
Hospital water environment and antibiotic use: key factors in a nosocomial outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Serratia marcescens

U.J. Kim*, S-M. Choi, M.J. Kim, S. Kim, S.U. Shin, S-R. Oh, J-W. Park, H.Y. Shin, Y.J. Kim, U.H. Lee, O-J. Choi, H-Y. Park, J-H. Shin, S.E. Kim, S-J. Kang, S.I. Jung, K-H. Park
*Chonnam National University Hospital, Republic of Korea

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 69-78



