再発性または難治性クロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)感染症、および他の可能性のある適応症の治療法としての糞便細菌叢移植の使用:British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) / Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) 合同ガイドライン第 2 版★★
The use of faecal microbiota transplant as treatment for recurrent or refractory Clostridioides difficile infection and other potential indications: second edition of joint British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) guidelines

B.H. Mullish*, B. Merrick, M.N. Quraishi, A. Bak, C.A. Green, D.J. Moore, R.J. Porter, N.T. Elumogo, J.P. Segal, N. Sharma, B. Marsh, G. Kontkowski, S.E. Manzoor, A.L. Hart, C. Settle, J.J. Keller, P. Hawkey, T.H. Iqbal, S.D. Goldenberg, H.R.T. Williams
*Imperial College London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 189-219

集中治療室における医療関連緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)の疫学:排水管が原因となっているか?★
Epidemiology of healthcare-associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa in intensive care units: are sink drains to blame?

C. Volling*, L. Mataseje. Granña-Miraglia, X. Hu, S. Anceva-Sami, B.L. Coleman, M. Downing, S. Hota, A.J. Jamal, J. Johnstone, K. Katz, J.A. Leis, A. Li, V. Mahesh, R. Melano, M. Muller, S.Nayani, S. Patel, A. Paterson, M. Pejkovska, D. Ricciuto, A. Sultana, T. Vikulova, Z. Zhong, A. McGeer, D.S. Guttman, M.R. Mulvey
*Sinai Health, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 77-86

Hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in patients with cancer: current knowledge and future directions

A. MacPhail*, C. Dendle, M. Slavin, Z. McQuilten
*Monash University, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 39-50

The prophylactic use of negative-pressure wound therapy after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis

A.Fiocco*, M. Dini, G. Lorenzoni, D. Gregori, A. Colli, L. Besola
*University of Pisa, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 95-104

Which antiseptic to use for a caesarean section? A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

L.S. Aho Glele*, E. Simon, C. Bouit, M. Serrand, L. Filipuzzi, P. Sagot, K. Astruc, P. Kadhel
*Dijon University Hospital, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 119-128

Human resource management to assist infection prevention and control professionals: a scoping review

R. Ülgüt*, I. Tomsic, I.F. Chaberny, T. von Lengerke
*Hannover Medical School, Department of Medical Psychology, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 145-154

Assessing the effects of transient weather conditions on airborne transmission risk in naturally ventilated hospitals

A.J. Edwards*, M-F. King, M. López-García, D. Peckham, C.J. Noakes
*University of Leeds, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 1-10

EC-COMPASS:エンテロバクター・クロアカエ(Enterobacter cloacae)複合体の長期多施設共同サーベイランス ― 臨床的展望★
The EC-COMPASS: Long-term, multi-centre surveillance of Enterobacter cloacae complex – a clinical perspective

M.D. Mauritz*, B. Claus, J. Forster, M. Petzold, S. Schneitler, A. Halfmann, S. Hauswaldt, D. Nurjadi, N. Toepfner
*Children’s and Adolescents’ Hospital, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 11-19

A predictive score for the result of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and vancomycin-resistant enterococci screening

F. Stordeur*, A-G. Si Larbi, K. Le Neindre, J. Ory, F. Faibis, C. Lawrence, F. Barbut, D. Lecointe, E. Farfour, on behalf of the RéFraLHHa group
*Structure interne de gestion des risques, hygiéne, qualité (SIGRHYQ), Centre Hospitalier Poissy-Saint-Germain en Laye, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 20-29

集中治療室におけるカルバペネム耐性肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)の医療関連感染は、カルバペネム感受性肺炎桿菌の感染と比べて高い死亡率と関連している:後向きコホート研究★
Healthcare-associated carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections are associated with higher mortality compared to carbapenem-susceptible K. pneumoniae infections in the intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study

Y. Yao*, Z. Zha, L. Li, H. Tan, J. Pi, C. You, B. Liu
*The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 30-38



