Application of normative documents for determination of biocidal activity of disinfectants and antiseptics dedicated to the medical area: a narrative review

S. Tyski*, E. Bocian, A.E. Laudy
*National Medicines Institute, Poland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022)125,75-91

Catheter salvage strategies in children with central venous catheter-related or -associated bloodstream infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

D. Buonsenso*, G. Salerno, G. Sodero, F. Mariani, L. Pisapia, C. Gelormini, M. Di Nardo, P. Valentini, G. Scoppettuolo, D.G. Biasucci
*Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 1-20

パンデミック時の歯科、口腔/顎顔面外科治療における COVID-19 の伝播:日本の大学病院 51 施設における質問票調査★
COVID-19 transmission in dental and oral/maxillofacial surgical practice during pandemic: questionnaire survey in 51 university hospitals in Japan

H. Tanaka*, H. Kurita, Y. Shibuya, D. Chikazu, M. Iino, K. Hoshi, W. Kobayashi, S. Yokoo, K. Kawano, K. Mitsudo, A. Miyazaki, Y. Ota, H. Kishimoto, Y. Mori, T. Yamamoto
*Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 21-27

ドイツの病院における COVID-19 パンデミック中の患者および付添人に対する感染制御戦略:2021 年 3 月から 4 月 の横断的研究
Infection control strategies for patients and accompanying persons during the COVID-19 pandemic in German hospitals: a cross-sectional study in March-April 2021

A. Bludau*, S. Heinemann, A.A. Mardiko, H.E.J. Kaba, A. Leha, N. von Maltzahn, N.T. Mutters, R. Leistner, F. Mattner, S. Scheithauer
*Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 28-36

Change from transrectal to transperineal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy under local anaesthetic eliminates sepsis as a complication

J.W. Power*, J.W. Ryan, B. Hutchinson, D. Brady, M.M. Hannan, K.J. O’Malley, B.D. Murphy, N. Scanlon, N. Soman, C. McGarvey, M.M. McNicholas, C.G. Cronin, J.G. Murray
*Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 44-47

Using a stacker crane for sterile storage in the operating theatre: initial environmental microbiological qualification

H. Faury*, D. Ducellier, F. Cizeau, F. Boquel, C. Delaye, M. Oudjhani, L. Monpierre, C. Lafont, J.-W. Decousser
*University Hospital Henri Mondor, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 48-54

医療従事者の指先の細菌の不活化に対する銀ポリマー、乳酸、ベンザルコニウム塩化物を利用した 3 種類の手指消毒用非アルコール製剤の有効性の低さ★
Low efficacy of three non-alcohol-based hand disinfectants utilizing silver polymer, lactic acid and benzalkonium chloride on inactivation of bacteria on the fingertips of healthcare workers

J-M. Lehtinen*, M. Kanerva, E. Tarkka, J. Ollgren, V-J. Anttila
*University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Finland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 55-59

ネパールの 3 次病院における mcr-10を保有するEnterobacter kobeiによる新生児敗血症の致死的アウトブレイク★★
A fatal outbreak of neonatal sepsis caused by mcr-10- carrying Enterobacter kobei in a tertiary care hospital in Nepal

S. Manandhar*, Q. Nguyen, D.T. Pham, P. Amatya, M. Rabaa, S. Dongol, B. Basnyat, S.M. Dixit, S. Baker, A. Karkey
*Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 60-66

統合した細胞培養とリアルタイム RT-PCR を組み合わせた懸濁液中のエボラウイルスの不活化に対する消毒薬の有効性★
Efficacy of disinfectants for inactivation of Ebola virus in suspension by integrated cell culture coupled with real-time RT-PCR

Y. Huang*, S. Xiao, D. Song, Z. Yuan
*National Biosafety Laboratory, PR China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 67-74

Ukraine war refugees - threats and new challenges for healthcare in Poland

K. Lewtak*, K. Kanecki, P. Tyszko, P. Goryński, M. Bogdan, A. Nitsch-Osuch
*Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 37-43



