A critical review on the current state of antimicrobial glove technologies: advances, challenges and future prospects

S.W. How*, D.Y.S. Low, B.F. Leo, S. Manickam, B.H. Goh, S.Y. Tang
*Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 24-34

COVID-19 患者において医療関連感染症を引き起こす多剤耐性菌の発生:後向き多施設研究
The emergence of multi-drug-resistant bacteria causing healthcare-associated infections in COVID-19 patients: a retrospective multi-centre study

I. Gajic*, M. Jovicevic, V. Popadic, A. Trudic, J. Kabic, D. Kekic, A. Ilic, S. Klasnja, M. Hadnadjev, D.J. Popadic, A. Andrijevic, A. Prokic, R. Tomasevic, L. Ranin, Z. Todorovic, M. Zdravkovic, N. Opavski
*University of Belgrade, Serbia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 1-7

An increasing threat in intensive care units: evaluation of multi-drug-resistant Myroides spp. infections and risk factors

A. Gülmez*, A.N. Ceylan, O. Özalp
*Istanbul Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Turkey

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 8-16

カンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris)の環境表面材料上の生存と消毒薬に対する低度耐性
Survival of Candida auris on environmental surface materials and low-level resistance to disinfectant

O. Dire*, A. Ahmad, S. Duze, M. Patel
*University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 17-23

法的要件とドイツ衛生・微生物学学会の専門家による評価の間の感染予防・制御のギャップ:2022 年 9 月から 11 月の横断研究★★
Infection prevention and control between legal requirements and German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology expert assessments: a cross-sectional study in September-November 2022

A.A. Mardiko*, J. Buer, A.M. Köster, H.E.J. Kaba, F. Mattner, J. Zweigner, N.T. Mutters, N. von Maltzahn, R. Leistner, T. Eckmanns, C. Brandt, S. Scheithauer
*University Medical Centre Göttingen, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 35-43

2019 年から 2021 年までのイタリア・トスカーナ州における病院獲得型ニューデリー・メタロ-β-ラクタマーゼ産生腸内細菌目細菌の動向:COVID-19 パンデミックの影響★★
Trends in hospital acquired New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales in Tuscany (Italy) from 2019 to 2021: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

G. Arzilli*, S. Forni, L. Righi, S. Barnini, P. Petricci, E.M. Parisio, M. Pistello, P. Vivani, G. Gemignani, A. Baggiani, T. Bellandi, G. Privitera, F. Gemmi, L. Tavoschi, A. Porretta
*University of Pisa, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 44-53

Nurses’ knowledge and implementation of antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention strategies in acute paediatric settings

M. Kilpatrick*, A. Hutchinson, E. Manias, S.L. Bouchoucha
*Deakin University Geelong, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 54-60

自己報告による手指衛生遵守率の妥当性および観察された遵守率の行動決定因子の妥当性:オランダの病院 9 施設における COM-B 手指衛生質問票の実施★
Validity of self-reported compliance and behavioural determinants of observed compliance: an application of the COM-B hand hygiene questionnaire in nine Dutch hospitals

M.D. van Dijk*, D. Nieboer, M.C. Vos, E.F. van Beeck
*Erasmus MC University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 61-68

Antimicrobial stewardship programme implementation in the UAE: perspectives of key stakeholders using Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research

N. Hashad*, D. Stewart, D. Perumal, N. Abdulrazzaq, A.P. Tonna
*Pharmacy, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 69-76



