シンガポールの 3 次ケア公立病院における COVID-19 パンデミックの影響:資源および経済的損失
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a tertiary care public hospital in Singapore: resources and economic costs


Y.Cai*, S. Kwek, S.S.L. Tang, S.E. Saffari, E. Lum, S. Yoon, J.P. Ansah, D.B. Matchar, A.L. Kwa, K.A. Ang, J. Thumboo, M.E.H. Ong, N. Graves

*Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore


Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 1-8


集中治療室の個室化後のカルバペネム耐性アシネトバクター・バウマニー(Acinetobacter baumannii)獲得率の低下★

Reduction in the acquisition rate of carbapenem-rsistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) after room privatization in an intensive care unit


J.Jung*, P.G. Choe, S. Choi, E. Kim, H.Y. Lee, C.K. Kang, J. Lee, W.B. Park, S. Lee, N.J. Kim, E.H. Choi, M. Oh

*Seoul National University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea


Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 14-21



Biocleaning in operating theatres: validation of cleaning techniques by revealing residual traces of blood

O.Meunier*, T. Fersing, S. Burger, J. Santasouk
*Centre hHospitalier de Haguenau, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 32-38

Delivery of antimicrobial stewardship competencies in UK pre-registration nurse education programmes: a national cross-sectional survey

M.Courtenay*, E. Castro-Sánchez, R. Gallagher, D. Gould, C. Hawker, on behalf of the Nurse Antimicrobial Stewardship Group
*Cardiff University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 39-48

バングラデシュの医療施設における感染性廃棄物管理の実践の改善に関する多面的能力開発イニシアチブの有効性:発展途上国にとっての 21 世紀の課題
Effectiveness of a multi-modal capacity-building initiative for upgrading biomedical waste management practices at healthcare facilities in Bangladesh: a 21st century challenge for developing countries

L.Ara*, W. Billah, F. Bashar, S. Mahmud, A. Amin, R. Iqbal, T. Rahman, N.H. Alam, S.A. Sarker
*International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 49-56

The novel application and effect of an ultraviolet light decontamination strategy on the healthcare acquisition of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales in a hospital setting

W.Lowman*, H.R. Etheredge, P. Gaylard, J. Fabian
*University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 57-64

メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)の消化管保菌:認識されていない病院感染制御への負担
Gastrointestinal colonization of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: an unrecognized burden upon hospital infection control

S.-C. Wong*, J.H.-K. Chen, S.Y.-C. So, P.-L. Ho, K.-Y. Yuen, V.C.-C. Cheng
*Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 65-74

オーストラリアの医療従事者における SARS-CoV-2 パンデミックの経験:ストレス因子から保護因子まで★★
Experiences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic amongst Australian healthcare workers: from stressors to protective factors

J.Broom*, L. Williams Veazey, A. Broom, S. Hor, C. Degeling, P. Burns, M. Wyer, G.L. Gilbert
*Sunshine Coast Health Institute, Australia
Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 75-81

病院スタッフに対する厳格なマスク着用方針によりインフルエンザによる院内感染症および院内死亡が効果的に予防される:5 つの連続したインフルエンザシーズンにおける単一施設データ★★
A strict mask policy for hospital staff effectively prevents nosocomial influenza infections and mortality: monocentric data from five consecutive influenza seasons

A.Ambrosch*, D. Luber, F. Klawonn, M. Kabesch
*Hospital of the Merciful Brothers Regensburg, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 82-90

風土病的な流行地域におけるバンコマイシン耐性腸球菌(VRE)菌血症:12 年間のコホートの臨床的特徴とゲノム解析★
Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus bacteraemia in an endemic region: clinical features and genomic analysis: a 12-year cohort
O.Abu-Lybdeh*, O. Murik, Y. Oster, M.V. Assous, T. Mann, D.A. Zeevi, S. Benenson, Y. Wiener-Well
*Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 105-113



