アイルランドの過密な救急部において全ゲノムシークエンシングにより明らかにされた SARS-CoV-2 伝播の広がり
Repeated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in an overcrowded Irish emergency department elucidated by whole-genome sequencing

D. Hare*, C. Meaney, J. Powell, B. Slevin, B. O’ Brien, L. Power, N.H. O’ Connell, C.F. De Gascun, C.P. Dunne, P.J. Stapleton
*University Hospital Limerick, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 1-9

医療従事者の靴底から採取されたクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)株は感染患者と疫学的関連があり、全ゲノムシークエンシングにより一致が確認された
Matching Clostridioides difficile strains obtained from shoe soles of healthcare workers epidemiologically linked to patients and confirmed by whole-genome sequencing

A.C. Büchler*, M. Wicki, R. Frei, V. Hinic, H.M.B. Seth-Smith, A. Egli, A.F. Widmer
*University of Basel, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 10-15

Evaluation of a bipolar ionization device in inactivation of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, yeast, Aspergillus spp. and human coronavirus

I. Kanesaka*, A.K. Katsuse, H. Takahashi, I. Kobayashi
*Toho University, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 16-20

感染制御策バンドルは、黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)による術後胸骨創感染症を低減させるが、グラム陰性菌に起因する場合は判別できない:患者エピソード 6,903 件の後向き分析
A bundle of infection control measures reduces postoperative sternal wound infection due to Staphylococcus aureus but not Gram-negative bacteria: a retrospective analysis of 6903 patient episodes

T.Locke*, H. Parsons, N. Briffa, M. Stott, T.I. de Silva, T.C. Darton
*Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 21-28

救命救急環境において過炎症反応をきたした COVID-19 患者へのトシリズマブ投与と、院内細菌感染症および侵襲性真菌感染症の発生率増加との関連★
Association between tocilizumab treatment of hyperinflammatory patients with COVID-19 in a critical care setting and elevated incidence of hospital-acquired bacterial and invasive fungal infections

B. Minihan*, E. McAuliffe, J. Powell, S.L. Wong, K. Wilkie, C. Murphy, A. Maher, L. Power, N.H. O’Connell, C.P. Dunne
*University of Limerick, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 29-36


Impact of material properties in determining quaternary ammonium compound adsorption and wipe product efficacy against biofilms

M.J. Pascoe*, S. Mandal, O.A. Williams, J-Y. Maillard
*Cardiff University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 37-43

Comparison of multistate model, survival regression, and matched case-control methods for estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections

J. Pan*, K. Kavanagh, S. Stewart, C. Robertson, S. Kennedy, S. Manoukian, L. Haahr, N. Graves, J. Reilly
*University of Strathclyde, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 44-51

A standardized method for evaluating test soils used to demonstrate cleaning efficacy

T.A. Kremer*, R. Bancroft, Z. Patel, M. Owen, G. McDonnell
*Johnson & Johnson, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 52-55

3 次病院の血液内科病棟におけるヒトパラインフルエンザウイルス 3 型アウトブレイクの制御:スクリーニング戦略と臨床症状に関連した分子診断の重要性
Controlling a human parainfluenza virus-3 outbreak in a haematology ward in a tertiary hospital: the importance of screening strategy and molecular diagnostics in relation to clinical symptoms

Z. Iglόi*, I.H.M. van Loo, A.M.P. Demandt, K. Franssen, M. Jonges, M. van Gelder, S. Erkens-Hulshof, L.B. van Alphen
*Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+), The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 56-63

COVID-19の集中治療室における多剤耐性 OXA-48/CTX-M-15肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)のクラスター:COVID-19 パンデミック中の感染予防・制御に対する重要な教訓
Multidrug-resistant OXA-48/CTX-M-15 Klebsiella pneumoniae cluster in a COVID-19 intensive care unit: salient lessons for infection prevention and control during the COVID-19 pandemic

A.R. Howard-Jones*, I. Sandaradura, R. Robinson, S.R. Orde, J. Iredell, A. Ginn, S. van Hal, J. Branley
*Nepean Hospital, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 64-69



