アイルランドの大規模病院における ST80 バンコマイシン耐性エンテロコッカス・フェシウム(Enterococcus faecium)クローン複合体タイプ CT2933、CT2932 および CT1916 の長期的伝播および持続:39 か月間の全ゲノムシークエンシング研究★★
Protracted transmission and persistence of ST80 vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clonal complex types CT2933, CT2932 and CT1916 in a large Irish hospital: a 39-month whole-genome sequencing study

N.L. Kavanagh*, P.M. Kinnevey, S.A. Egan, B.A. McManus, B. O’Connell, G.I. Brennan, D.C. Coleman
*University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 11-20

Impact of intermittent versus continuous infusions on central line-associated bloodstream infection risk in haemato-oncology patients: a quasi-experimental study

A. MacPhail*, A. Nguyen, V. Camus, M.-N. ChraÏti, E. Dalex, Y. Chalandon, G. Catho, D. Bosetti, S. Masouridi-Levrat, S. Harbarth, M.-C. Zanella, N. Buetti
*Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 21-28

病院の水環境と抗菌薬の使用:カルバペネマーゼ産生セラチア・マルセッセンス(Serratia marcescens)の院内アウトブレイクで重要な因子★★
Hospital water environment and antibiotic use: key factors in a nosocomial outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Serratia marcescens

U.J. Kim*, S-M. Choi, M.J. Kim, S. Kim, S.U. Shin, S-R. Oh, J-W. Park, H.Y. Shin, Y.J. Kim, U.H. Lee, O-J. Choi, H-Y. Park, J-H. Shin, S.E. Kim, S-J. Kang, S.I. Jung, K-H. Park
*Chonnam National University Hospital, Republic of Korea

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 69-78

人工関節感染を引き起こす病原体の増殖とバイオフィルムに対するクロルヘキシジン、ポビドンヨード、バンコマイシンの効果:in vitro のモデル★★
The effects of chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine and vancomycin on growth and biofilms of pathogens that cause prosthetic joint infections: an in-vitro model

V.E. Coles*, L. Puri, M. Bhandari, T.J. Wood, L.L. Burrows
*McMaster University, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 99-108

一般外科および消化器外科手術後の切開創の手術部位感染症の発生率における対照的な季節性:単一施設での 8,436 例の患者の解析★★
Contrasting seasonality of the incidence of incisional surgical site infection after general and gastroenterological surgery: an analysis of 8436 patients in a single institute

K. Ichida*, H. Noda, R. Maemoto, Y. Mizusawa, N. Matsuzawa, S. Tamaki, I. Abe, Y. Endo, K. Inoue, T. Fukui, Y. Takayama, Y. Muto, K. Futsuhara, F. Watanabe, Y. Miyakura, M. Mieno, T. Rikiyama
*Jichi Medical University, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 140-147

The impact of sink removal and other water-free interventions in intensive care units on water-borne healthcare-associated infections: a systematic review

J.M. Low*, M. Chan, J.L. Low, M.C.W. Chua, J.H. Lee
*National University Children’s Medical Institute, National University Hospital, Singapore

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 61-71

新生児集中治療室での多クラスター・多表現型のセラチア・マルセッセンス(Serratia marcescens)アウトブレイクにおけるアドホック分子タイピングの感染制御策への影響★★
Implications of ad-hoc molecular typing for infection control measures in a multi-cluster, multi-phenotypic Serratia marcescens outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit

M.M.A. Toorop*, I.V. Hoogendijk, H.C.M. Dogterom-Ballering, S.A. Boers, M.E.M. Kraakman, J. van Prehn, E. Wessels, V. Bekker, K.E. Veldkamp
*Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 26-33

スイスにおける広域スペクトルセファロスポリン耐性大腸菌(Escherichia coli)および肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)による血流感染症の疫学、2015 年から 2022 年:長期的傾向および COVID-19 パンデミックとの関連★★
Epidemiology of bloodstream infections caused by extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Switzerland, 2015 - 2022: secular trends and association with the COVID-19 pandemic

L. Damonti*, M. Gasser, A. Kronenberg, N. Buetti
*University of Bern, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 145-152

Endoscope sampling and culturing methods

L. Pineau*, M. Alfa, C. Radix
*Eurofins Biotech Germande, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 149, 36-45

Emerging trends of invasive yeast infections and azole resistance in Beijing intensive care units

J. Yu*, W. Yang, X. Fan, E. Cui, R. Min, H. Yuan, Y. Hu, H. Wang, G. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Xu, L. Guo
*Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 149, 46-55



