Modelling hospital disinfectant against multi-drug-resistant dry surface biofilms grown under artificial human sweat

F. Watson*, S. Wilks, C.W. Keevil, J. Chewins
*University of Southampton, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 190-197

Qualitative analysis of healthcare provider perspectives to evaluating beta-lactam allergies

M.P. Gray*, N. Dhavalikar, R.D. Boyce, S.L. Kane-Gill
*University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 198-208

廃水に基づく疫学によるカタールの COVID-19 隔離病院における細菌多様性および抗菌薬耐性の追跡
Wastewater-based epidemiology for tracking bacterial diversity and antibiotic resistance in COVID-19 isolation hospitals in Qatar

A.A. Johar*, M.A. Salih, H.A. Abdelrahman, H. Al Mana, H.A. Hadi, N.O. Eltai
*Barzan Holdings, Qatar

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 209-220

東アフリカ・タンザニアの 3 次紹介病院の整形外科患者および環境から得たβ-ラクタマーゼ産生アシネトバクター・バウマニー(Acinetobacter baumannii)の一部における病原性遺伝子およびプラスミドレプリコンのプロファイル
Virulence genes and plasmid replicon profiles of selected β-lactamase-producing Acinetobacter baumannii from orthopaedic patients and the environment in a tertiary referral hospital in Tanzania, East Africa

B.R. Kidenya*, G. Mboowa, I. Sserwadda, S. Kanyerezi, E. Nakafu, I.L. Akaro, B. Mkinze, M.L. Joloba, J. Seni
*Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 223-226

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems in healthcare: a scoping review

S.Y. Chair*, S.T. Ng, C.Y.H. Chao, J.F. Xu
*The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 33-40

Panton–Valentine ロイコシジン産生メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)のアウトブレイクにおいて全ゲノムシークエンシングは、時間、空間、人の点で分散していた症例をつなげる一方で、医療従事者の管理を支援する、および文献の再検討
Whole-genome sequencing links cases dispersed in time, place, and person while supporting healthcare worker management in an outbreak of Panton–Valentine leucocidin meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; and a review of literature

R. Mehra*, M. Meda, B. Pichon, V. Gentry, A. Smith, M. Nicholls, Y. Ryan, J. Woods, S. Tote
*Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 88-98

Epidemiology and outcomes of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

V.M. Eichel*, K. Last, C. Brühwasser, H. von Baum, M. Dettenkofer, T. Götting, H. Grundmann, H. Güldenhöven, J. Liese, M. Martin, C. Papan, C. Sadaghiani, C. Wendt, G. Werner, N.T. Mutters
*Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 119-128

数学的モデルは、医療施設における SARS-CoV-2 の伝播と制御の理解にどのように貢献したか?システマティックな検索とレビュー
How have mathematical models contributed to understanding the transmission and control of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare settings? A systematic search and review

D.R.M. Smith*, S. Chervet, T. Pinettes, G. Shirreff, S. Jijón, A. Oodally, K. Jean, L. Opatowski, S. Kernéis, L. Temime
*Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 132-141

Influence of transition from open bay units to single room units in a neonatal intensive care unit on hospital transmission of multi-drug-resistant Enterobacterales

A. van der Hoeven*, S.J. Jansen, M. Kraakman, V. Bekker, K.E. Veldkamp, S.A. Boers, E. Wessels, M.T. van der Beek
*Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 3-8

How clean is your ice machine? Revealing microbial amplification and presence of opportunistic pathogens in hospital ice-water machines

M. Cazals*, E. Bédard, C. Soucy, P. Savard, M. Prévost
*Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 9-16



