新生児におけるカテーテル関連血流感染症の治療および予防を目的とした 2%タウロリジンロック溶液の使用:実施可能性研究★
Use of 2% taurolidine lock solution for treatment and prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections in neonates: a feasibility study

I. Savarese*, S. Yazami, D.U. De Rose, K. Carkeek, F. Campi, C. Auriti, O. Danhaive, F. Piersigilli
*“Bambino Gesù” Children’s Hospital IRCCS, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 76-81

カンジダ・アルビカンス(Candida albicans)およびカンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris)に対するオクテニジンおよびクロルヘキシジン浸漬ウォッシュミットの有効性:比較研究★
Efficacy of octenidine- and chlorhexidine-based wash-mitts against Candida albicans and Candida auris — a comparative study

F. Gugsch*, C.K. Tan, D.Y. Oh, L. Paßvogel, K. Steinhauer
*bactologicum GmbH, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 91-96

Novel scores relevant to antimicrobial resistance and hospital-acquired infections developed with data from a multi-hospital consortium in the Parisian region of France

R. Amarsy*, B. Granger, S. Fournier, C. Monteil, D. Trystram, V. Siorat, V. Jarlier, J. Robert, on behalf of Members of the Collégiale de Bactériologue — Virologie  — Hygiène
*Sorbonne Université, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 97-104

VIVALDI 研究コホートにおける COVID-19 に関連する死亡および入院:2020 年 10 月から 2023 年 3 月★
COVID-19-related mortality and hospital admissions in the VIVALDI study cohort: October 2020 to March 2023

O. Stirrup*, M. Krutikov, B. Azmi, I. Monakhov, A. Hayward, A. Copas, L. Shallcross
*University College London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 105-112

オランダの長期ケア施設における 2009 から 2019 年の医療関連感染の有病率★
Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections in Dutch long-term care facilities from 2009 to 2019

K. Halonen*, T. van der Kooi, C. Hertogh, A. Haenen, S.C. de Greeff, on behalf of the SNIV study group
*National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 150-159

Drug monitoring during ciprofloxacin prophylaxis of allogeneic stem cell transplant patients: associations with bacterial infections through a monocentric observational prospective study

H.E.J. Kaba*, J. Hasenkamp, H. Tas, M. Schulz, F. Streit, H. Eiffert, G. Wulf, L. Truemper, L. Binder, M. Kaase, S. Scheithauer
*University Medical Centre Göttingen, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 143, 160-167

高リスククローン肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)ST15 のサーベイランス、検出、モニタリング用の診断ツール★
Diagnostic tool for surveillance, detection and monitoring of the high-risk clone K. pneumoniae ST15

E. Gato*, B.K. Rodiño-Janeiro, M.J. Gude, F. Fernández-Cuenca, Á. Pascual, A. Fernández, A. Pérez, G. Bou
*Institute for Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC), Spain

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 18-25

Identifying patients at increased risk of non-ventilator-associated pneumonia on admission to hospital: a pragmatic prognostic screening tool to trigger preventative action

J. Wilson*, H. Griffin, A. Görzig, J. Prieto, K. Saeed, M.I. Garvey, E. Holden, A. Tingle, H. Loveday
*University of West London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 49-57

Implementation of a new surveillance system for dialysis-associated infection events in outpatient dialysis facilities in Germany

B. Weikert*, T.S. Kramer, F. Schwab, C. Graf-Allgeier, J-O. Clausmeyer, S.I. Wolke, P. Gastmeier, C. Geffers
*Charité–University Hospital Berlin, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 67-73

病院 2 施設の 3 次ケアシステムで 2 回連続して発生した、バークホルデリア・コンタミナンス(Burkholderia contaminans)で汚染されたクロルヘキシジンマウスウォッシュによるアウトブレイク★
Two consecutive outbreaks caused by chlorhexidine mouthwash contaminated with Burkholderia contaminans in a two-hospital tertiary care system

M. Al Zunitan*, F. Aldawood, A. El-Saed, M. Azzam, K. Abou Yassine, L. Alshammari, M.M. Alshamrani
*King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 96-104



