Bacterial reservoir in deeper skin is a potential source for surgical site and biomaterial-associated infections

C. Guarch-Pérez*, M. Riool, L. de Boer, P. Kloen, S.A.J. Zaat
*University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 62-71

事前に洗浄しない自動 UV-C 照射よりも、予め含浸したワイプによる用手消毒の優位性が上回る★★
Superiority of manual disinfection using pre-soaked wipes over automatic UV-C radiation without prior cleaning

B. Knobling*, A. Ulatowski, G. Franke, C. Belmar Campos, H. Büttner, E.M. Klupp, P.M. Maurer, F.H.H. Brill, J.K. Knobloch
*University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 72-78

電子データマイニングおよびコアゲノム複数部位塩基配列タイピングによる伝播に関連する第 3 世代セファロスポリン耐性腸内細菌目細菌の分析★★
Analysis of transmission-related third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacterales by electronic data mining and core genome multi-locus sequence typing

A. Weber*, L. Neffe, L.A.P. Diaz, N. Thoma, S.J.S. Aghdassi, L.A. Denkel, F. Maechler, M. Behnke, S. Hӓussler, P. Gastmeier, A. Kola, on behalf of the EMerGE-NeT Consortium 
*Charité – Universitӓtsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 96-101

Impact of carbapenem-targeted antimicrobial stewardship interventions: an interrupted time-series analysis

H-J. Son*, S. Bae, K. Cho, I. Park, J. Kim, H. Han, E.O. Kim, J. Jung, S-H. Kim, S-O. Lee
*University of Ulsan College of Medicine, South Korea

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 132-138

インフルエンザ A(H3N2)は院内伝播のリスク上昇と関連する:6 回のインフルエンザシーズンにわたる観察研究★★
Influenza A subtype H3N2 is associated with an increased risk of hospital dissemination ‒ an observational study over six influenza seasons

E. Rothman*, O. Olsson, C.B. Christiansen, M. Rööst, M. Inghammar, U. Karlsson
*Skåne University Hospital, Sweden

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 134-140

多剤耐性緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)による集中治療室のアウトブレイク:シンクに焦点を当てる★★
An intensive care unit outbreak with multi-drugresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa ‒ spotlight on sinks

V. Schärer*, M-T. Meier, R.A. Schuepbach, A.S. Zinkernagel, M. Boumasmoud, B. Chakrakodi, S.D. Brugger, M.R. Fröhlich, A. Wolfensbergera, H. Sax, S.P. Kuster, P.W. Schreiber
*University Hospital Zurich and University of Zurich, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 161-167

個室の割合が 100%に近い新病院がバンコマイシン耐性エンテロコッカス・フェシウム(Enterococcus faecium)の環境汚染と保菌率または感染率に及ぼす影響:ゲノムサーベイランス研究★★
Impact of a new hospital with close to 100% single-occupancy rooms on environmental contamination and incidence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium colonization or infection: a genomic surveillance study

B. Blane*, F. Coll, K. Raven, O. Allen, A.R.M. Kappeler, S. Pai, R.A. Floto, S.J. Peacock, T. Gouliouris
*Addenbrooke’s Hospital, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 192-200

関節全置換術患者全員を対象とした入院前 MRSA スクリーニングの費用対効果と臨床的有用性★★
Cost-effectiveness and clinical utility of universal pre-admission MRSA screening in total joint arthroplasty patients

S. Suratwala*, D. Kommareddy, P. Duvvuri, J. Woltmann, A. Segal, E. Krauss
*Center for Orthopaedic Excellence at Syosset Hospital, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 27-33

法的要件とドイツ衛生・微生物学学会の専門家による評価の間の感染予防・制御のギャップ:2022 年 9 月から 11 月の横断研究★★
Infection prevention and control between legal requirements and German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology expert assessments: a cross-sectional study in September-November 2022

A.A. Mardiko*, J. Buer, A.M. Köster, H.E.J. Kaba, F. Mattner, J. Zweigner, N.T. Mutters, N. von Maltzahn, R. Leistner, T. Eckmanns, C. Brandt, S. Scheithauer
*University Medical Centre Göttingen, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 35-43

2019 年から 2021 年までのイタリア・トスカーナ州における病院獲得型ニューデリー・メタロ-β-ラクタマーゼ産生腸内細菌目細菌の動向:COVID-19 パンデミックの影響★★
Trends in hospital acquired New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales in Tuscany (Italy) from 2019 to 2021: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

G. Arzilli*, S. Forni, L. Righi, S. Barnini, P. Petricci, E.M. Parisio, M. Pistello, P. Vivani, G. Gemignani, A. Baggiani, T. Bellandi, G. Privitera, F. Gemmi, L. Tavoschi, A. Porretta
*University of Pisa, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 44-53



