Factors predicting non-ventilated hospital-acquired pneumonia: systematic review and meta-analysis

S.A. Lukasewicz Ferreira*, C. Hubner Dalmora, F. Anziliero, R. de Souza Kuchenbecker, P. Klarmann Ziegelmann
*Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and Qualis, Brazil

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 119, 64-76
MRSA 咽頭保菌の治療におけるムピロシン溶液による鼻咽頭洗浄および口腔洗浄:概念実証研究★★

Rhinopharynx irrigations and mouthwash with dissolved mupirocin in treatment of MRSA throat colonization – proof-of-concept study


I.S. Petersen*, A.B. Zeuthen, J.M. Christensen, M.D. Bartels, H.H.N. Johansen, S.P. Johansen, J.O. Jarløv, D. Mogensen, J. Pedersen

*Slagelse Hospital, Denmark


Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 119, 16-21


Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus transmission among healthcare workers, patients and the environment in a large acute hospital under non-outbreak conditions investigated using whole-genome sequencing

P.M. Kinnevey*, A. Kearney, A.C. Shore, M.R. Earls, G. Brennan, T.T. Poovelikunnel, H. Humphreys, D.C. Coleman
*University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 118, 99-107

フィンランドの病院 2 施設における排水によるルーチンの抗菌薬耐性モニタリング:カルバペネム耐性遺伝子および病院感染の原因菌と関連する遺伝子に焦点を置く★★
Routine wastewater-based monitoring of antibiotic resistance in two Finnish hospitals: focus on carbapenem resistance genes and genes associated with bacteria causing hospital-acquired infections

J. Majlander*, V-J. Anttila, W. Nurmi, A. Seppälä, J. Tiedje, W. Muziasari
*Resistomap Oy, Finland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 157-164

手術器具から生成されるサージカルスモーク中のヒトコロナウイルス RNA 検出★★
Detection of human coronavirus RNA in surgical smoke generated by surgical devices

T. Yokoe*, M. Kita, T. Odaka, J. Fujisawa, Y. Hisamatsu, H. Okada
*Kansai Medical University, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 89-95

Inappropriate use of ozone generators and their sales status: questionnaire survey of healthcare providers and investigation of online sales

S. Mitsuboshi*, R. Yamaguchi, H. Uchida, S. Kamoshida, H. Hashi
*Kaetsu Hospital, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 1-3

血液腫瘍内科におけるヒトパラインフルエンザウイルス 3 型感染症:外来診療所で必要なソーシャル・ディスタンシングの方策★★
Human parainfluenza virus type 3 infections in a haemato-oncology unit: social distancing measures needed in outpatient clinics

V. Anton-Vazquez*, M. Smith, V. Mehra, D. Avenoso, P. Krishnamurthy, A. Kulasekararaj, V. Potter, A. Pagliuca, M. Zuckerman
*King’s College Hospital, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 60-68

バイオエアロゾル処理および COVID-19 低減策による医療関連感染症への効果★★
Healthcare-associated infection impact with bioaerosol treatment and COVID-19 mitigation measures

M.H. Ereth*, J. Fine, F. Stamatatos, B. Mathew, D. Hess, E. Simpser
*Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 69-77

Laminar airflow versus turbulent airflow in simulated total hip arthroplasty: measurements of colony-forming units, particles, and energy consumption

L.V. Marsault*, C. Ravn, A. Overgaard, L.H. Frich, M. Olsen, T. Anstensrud, J. Nielsen, S. Overgaard
*Odense University Hospital, Denmark

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 115, 117-123

Low risk of transmission of pathogenic bacteria between children and the assistance dog during animal-assisted therapy if strict rules are followed

A. Edner*, M. Lindström-Nilsson, Å. Melhus
*Uppsala University, Sweden

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 115, 5-9



