Use of a peracetic acid (PAA) disinfectant to reduce total viable bacteria count in hospital wastewater drains

K. Sharrocks*, D. Prossomariti, L.B. Snell, M. Dibbens, A. Alcolea-Medina, L. Gargee, J. Marashi, J.D. Edgeworth, J.A. Otter, S.D. Goldenberg
*Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 79-83

Impact of spatial separation for respiratory patients on emergency department flow process intervals and length of stay

A.M. Noor Azhar*, S.N.A. Zambri, A. Bustam, S.J. Abdul Rahim, A. Ramli, K. Poh
*Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 92-98

中国、広州の 3 次病院の泌尿器科における薬剤師主導による多面的な抗菌薬適正使用支援が、抗菌薬使用および臨床転帰に及ぼす影響:分割時系列研究★
Impacts of pharmacist-led multi-faceted antimicrobial stewardship on antibiotic use and clinical outcomes in urology department of a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou, China: an interrupted time-series study

H. Xia*, J. Li, X. Yang, Y. Zeng, L. Shi, X. Li, S. Qiu, S. Yang, M. Zhao, J. Chen, L. Yang
*Sun Yat-sen University, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 148-160

入院患者におけるクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)感染症の発生と動向:ドイツの大学病院 6 施設における 2016 年から 2020 年までの前向き多施設共同コホート研究★
Occurrence and trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalized patients: a prospective multi-centre cohort study in six German university hospitals, 2016―2020

N. Jazmati*, A. Mischnik, W.V. Kern, M. Behnke, T. Chakraborty, A. Dinkelacker, S. Eisenbeis, J. Falgenhauer, P. Gastmeier, G. Häcker, C. Imirzalioglu, N. Käding, E. Kramme, S. Peter , E. Piepenbrock, J. Rupp, C. Schneider, F. Schwab, H. Seifert, E. Tacconelli, J. Trauth, L. Biehl, S.V. Walker, A.M. Rohde, on behalf of the DZIF R-NET Study Group
*German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF), Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 161-172

Risk factors and clinical impact of multidrug resistance in healthcare-associated bacteraemic urinary tract infections: a post-hoc analysis of a multicentre prospective cohort in Spain

S. Gómez-Zorrilla*, F. Becerra-Aparicio, E. Sendra, L. Zamorano, I. Grau, V. Pintado, B. Padilla, N. Benito, L. Boix-Palop, M.C. Fariñas, M. Peñaranda, M.R. Gamallo, J.A. Martinez, E. Morte-Romea, J.L. Del Pozo, I. López Montesinos, X. Durań-Jordà, R. Ponz, M. Cotarelo, R. Cantoń, A. Oliver, P. Ruiz-Garbajosa, J.P. Horcajada, on behalf the ITUBRAS-2 Groupx
*Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), CEXS-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 173-185

クラス III 手術創の手術部位感染症の予防におけるモリニダゾールの評価:多施設共同無作為化単盲検並行群間比較試験★
Assessing morinidazole for surgical site infection in class III wounds prevention: a multi-centre, randomized, single-blind, parallel-controlled study

T. Zheng*, R. Wang, C. Wu, S. Li, G. Cao, Y. Zhang, X. Bu, J. Jiang, Z. Kong, Y. Miao, L. Zheng, G. Tao, Q. Tao, Z. Ding, P. Wang, J. Ren
*Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 186-194

抗菌薬の静注から経口への切り替え(IVOS)に関する看護師の姿勢、行動および対応策:イングランド・ミッドランズ地域全域の 2 次ケア病院における看護職員の混合手法調査★
Nurses’ attitudes, behaviours, and enablers of intravenous to oral switching (IVOS) of antibiotics: a mixed-methods survey of nursing staff in secondary care hospitals across the Midlands region of England

R.A. Hamilton*, N. Williams, C. Ashton, S.A.D. Gilani, S. Hussain, C. Jamieson, S. Razaq, A. Jenkins
*De Montfort University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 9-16

血管内カテーテルの挿入および維持におけるガイドライン遵守と中心ライン関連血流感染症の発生:3 次病院 20 施設からのエビデンス★
Adherence to guidelines and central-line-associated bloodstream infection occurrence during insertion and maintenance of intravascular catheters: evidence from 20 tertiary hospitals

F. Zang*, J. Liu, Y. Wen, X. Jin, Y. Yang, L. Li, J. Di, H. Tang, J. Wu, J. Liu, H. Liu, J. Huang, J. Zhang, S. Li, L. Yang, X. Wang, S. Geng, H. Xing, J. Xie, J. Hua, X. Xue, Y. Zhao, L. Ouyang, P. Song, G. Zhuang, W. Chen
*The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 17-25

乾燥表面バイオフィルムからの微生物の移動と黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)の低栄養および低湿度条件下での長期生存が病原性に及ぼす影響★
Transfer of micro-organisms from dry surface biofilms and the influence of long survival under conditions of poor nutrition and moisture on the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus

N.J. Amaeze*, A.B. Akinbobola, R. Kean, G. Ramage, C. Williams, W. Mackay
*University of West of Scotland, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 34-39

3 次病院にはびこるラシウス・ネグレクトゥス(Lasius neglectus)というアリによる病原菌の物理的な拡散のリスク評価★
Risk assessment of the mechanical spread of bacterial pathogens due to Lasius neglectus ants infesting a tertiary hospital

H. Frickmann*, S. Hurtig, A.R. Greine, S. Hering, O. Benedek, P. Warnke, A. Podbielski
*University Medicine Rostock, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 83-90



