COVID-19 に対する口内洗浄液の有効性:システマティックレビューおよびネットワークメタアナリシス
Effectiveness of mouth rinses against COVID-19: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

S-Y. Lin*, J-S. Sun, M-C. Hung, J.Z-C. Chang
*MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 175-191

新生児集中治療室におけるカテーテルの種類別のカテーテル関連血流感染症のリスク:1,100 本超の血管内留置カテーテルに関する大規模コホート研究
Risk of catheter-associated bloodstream infection by catheter type in a neonatal intensive care unit: a large cohort study of more than 1100 intravascular catheters

G. Catho*, F. Rosa Mangeret, V. Sauvan, M.-N. Chraïti, R. Pfister, O. Baud, S. Harbarth, N. Buetti
*Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 6-10

Evaluating the cost implications of integrating SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing for infection prevention and control investigation of nosocomial transmission within hospitals

M. Panca*, J. Blackstone, O. Stirrup, M.-T. Cutino-Moguel, E. Thomson, C. Peters, L.B. Snell, G. Nebbia, A. Holmes, A. Chawla, N. Machin, Y. Taha, T. Mahungu, T. Saluja, T.I. de Silva, K. Saeed, C. Pope, G.Y. Shin, R. Williams, A. Darby, D.L. Smith, M. Loose, S.C. Robson, K. Laing, D.G. Partridge, J.R. Price, J. Breuer
*Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology, UCL, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 23-32

スペイン・マドリードの高複雑度小児病棟から得た血流分離株における抗菌薬耐性:2013年から 2021 年
Antibiotic resistance in bloodstream isolates from high-complexity paediatric units in Madrid, Spain: 2013–2021

D. Aguilera-Alonso*, L. Escosa-García, C. Epalza, B. Bravo-Queipode-Llano, F. Camil Olteanu, E. Cendejas-Bueno, M.Á. Orellana, E. Cercenado, J. Saavedra-Lozano
*Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 33-43

Financial impact of nosocomial infections on surgical patients in an eastern Chinese hospital: a propensity score matching study

C.L. Xiong*, G.G. Wang, W. U-R. Hanafi
*Zhejiang Taizhou Hospital, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 67-73

スイスのコンパニオンアニマルクリニック 4 施設において感染予防・制御実践を改善するための教育的介入
Educational intervention to improve infection prevention and control practices in four companion animal clinics in Switzerland

K. Dassler*, K. Zurfluh, R. Stephan, B. Willi
*University of Zurich, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 121-133

Waterborne infections in haemato-oncology units ― a narrative review

T. Inkster*, J. Walker, M. Weinbren
*Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 60-73

異なるフェーズの SARS-CoV-2 パンデミックにおけるインフルエンザと COVID-19 による入院患者の転帰:単施設後向き症例対照研究
Outcomes of influenza and COVID-19 inpatients in different phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a single-centre retrospective case-control study

L. Bechmann*, T. Esser, J. Färber, A. Kaasch, G. Geginat
*Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 1-7

高度看護施設における MRSA および VRE の多様性と残存性:環境スクリーニング、全ゲノムシークエンシング、および拡散指標の開発
Diversity and persistence of MRSA and VRE in skilled nursing facilities: environmental screening, whole genome sequencing and development of a dispersion index

M. Cassone*, J. Wang, B.J. Lansing, J. Mantey, K.E. Gibson, K.J. Gontjes, L. Mody
*Michigan Medicine, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 8-18

スペインの病院における 2012 年から 2021 年の特定の抗菌薬指標からみた抗菌薬使用の動向
Trends of antimicrobial use through selected antimicrobial indicators in Spanish hospitals, 2012 to 2021

M. Cantero*, E. Jiménez, L.M. Parra, I. Salcedo-Leal, R.M. Ortí-Lucas, Á. Asensio, EPINE Study Group
*Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda University Hospital, Spain

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 19-26



