オランダの医療施設におけるバンコマイシン耐性エンテロコッカス・フェシウム(Enterococcus faecium)の管理:全国調査★★
Management of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in Dutch healthcare institutes: a nationwide survey M. Mulder*, K.E.W. Vendrik, S.A.M. van Kessel, D.W. Notermans, A.F. Schoffelen, J. Flipse, A.P.A. Hendrickx, W.C. van der Zwet, C. Schneeberger-van der Linden *National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 51-59
逆確率重み付けによって集中治療室における医療関連感染症のより正確な発生率の推定につながる:2 つの全国サーベイランスシステムによる結果★
Inverse probability weighting leads to more accurate incidence estimates for healthcare-associated infections in intensive care units ‒ results from two national surveillance systems C. Vicentini*, R. Bussolino, M. Perego, D. Silengo, F. D’Ancona, S. Finazzi, C.M. Zotti *University of Turin, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 73-81
Removal of virus from hands: a study on the role of washing and drying G. Pinto*, D. Rodrigues, M. Macieira, M.S. Gião, C.M. Reis, S. Woolhouse, J. Azeredo *University of Minho, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 82-87
Missed infection prevention and control activities and their predictors: insights from a pre- and post-pandemic study C. Moreal*, S. Chiappinotto, I. Blackman, L. Grassetti, S. Scarsini, B. Narduzzi, M. Mesaglio, C. Tascini, A. Palese *University of Udine, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 95-105
Subcutaneous tunnelling versus conventional insertion of peripherally inserted central catheters in hospitalized patients (TUNNEL-PICC): a multi-centre, open-label, randomized, controlled trial E.T. Kim*, J.H. Lee, D.J. Shim, Y. Kwon, S.B. Cho, K.J. Kim, D. Kim, J. Kim, E.S. Kim, H. Jun, Y.J. Kim, J. Kim, E.J. Kim, C-J. Kim, K-I. Jun, M.J. Shin, C.J. Yoon, S. Lee, S-Y. Song, J.H. Won *Hanyang University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 106-114
カンジダ・トロピカリス(Candida tropicalis)分離株の遺伝子型決定によってイタリアの 3 次医療病院における院内伝播の 2 つの系統が明らかに
Genotyping of Candida tropicalis isolates uncovers nosocomial transmission of two lineages in Italian tertiary care hospital B. Spruijtenburg*, E. De Carolis, C. Magri, J.F. Meis, M. Sanguinetti, T. de Groot, E.F.J. Meijer *Radboudumc, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 115-122
流しの排水管に組み入れた「Tuba Drain」は、排水口の抗菌薬耐性細菌種の数を減少させる:抗菌薬耐性細菌種の流しへの定着率が低い病院外来の 36 個の流しを対象とした無作為化盲検試験★★
A ‘Tuba Drain’ incorporated in sink drains reduces counts of antibiotic-resistant bacterial species at the plughole: a blinded, randomized trial in 36 sinks in a hospital outpatient department with a low prevalence of sink colonization by antibiotic-resistant species S. Harris*, G. Njogu, R. Galbraith, J. Galbraith, S. Hastick, N. Storey, D. Chapman-Jones, J. Soothill *University College Hospital, London, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 123-129
Risk factors for non-isolation of patients admitted for pulmonary tuberculosis in a high-incidence department: a single-centre retrospective study S. Oubbéa*, B. Pilmis, D. Seytre, A. Lomont, T. Billard-Pomares, J-R. Zahar, L. Foucault-Fruchard *Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Avicenne, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 130-134
早期のクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)感染症に対する糞便細菌叢移植のバンコマイシン単独療法と比較した費用効果:無作為化比較試験と並行して行なった経済的評価★
Cost-effectiveness of faecal microbiota transplantation compared with vancomycin monotherapy for early Clostridioides difficile infection: economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial C.R. Birch*, S.E. Paaske, M.B. Jensen, S.M.D. Baunwall, L.H. Ehlers, C.L. Hvas *Nordic Institute of Health Economics, Denmark Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 145-149
心肺移植集団におけるマイコバクテロイデス・アブセサス(Mycobacteroides abscessus)のアウトブレイクとその低減:水道水の問題★
Mycobacteroides abscessus outbreak and mitigation in a cardiothoracic transplant population: the problem with tap water S.N. Rathod*, R.T. Weber, A.A. Salim, S.D. Tanna, V. Stosor, M. Malczynski, A. O’Boye, K. Hoke, J. Landon, S. McCarthy, C. Qi, M.P. Angarone, M.G. Ison, J.L. Williams, T.R. Zembower, M.K. Bolon *Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 155, 150-157