COVID-19 期間に急性期ケア病院において個人防護具などの感染予防・制御実践が院内感染症の有病率に及ぼした影響:システマティックレビューおよびメタアナリシス★
Impact of infection prevention and control practices, including personal protective equipment, on the prevalence of hospital-acquired infections in acute care hospitals during: a systematic review and meta-analysis J.K. Teus*, L. Mithen, H. Green, A. Hutton, R. Fernandez *St George Hospital, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 32-39
Management of newborns and healthcare workers exposed to isoniazid-resistant congenital tuberculosis in the neonatal intensive care unit S. Lee*, G. Kim, G-M. Park, J. Jeong, E. Jung, B.S. Lee, E. Jo, S. Lee, H. Yoon, K-W. Jo, S-H. Kim, J. Lee *University of Ulsan College of Medicine, South Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 40-46
院内伝播と死亡率に対する COVID-19制御対策の段階的縮小の影響を予測する:フランスのリハビリテーション病院におけるモデル化研究★
Predicting consequences of COVID-19 control measure de-escalation on nosocomial transmission and mortality: a modelling study in a French rehabilitation hospital D.R.M. Smith*, A. Duval, R. Grant, M. Abbas, S. Harbarth, L. Opatowski, L. Temime *University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 47-55
A search strategy for detecting duodenoscope-associated infections: a retrospective observational study K. van der Ploeg*, C.H.W. Klaassen, M.C. Vos, J.A. Severin, B.C.G.C. Mason-Slingerland, M.J. Bruno *Erasmus MC University Medical Centre, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 56-62
スペインの Madrid の医療従事者における麻疹の血清抗体陽性率★
Seroprevalence for measles among healthcare workers in Madrid, Spain la Cuerda*, M.I.Tejeda González, A. López Aparicio, C. Monfort Vinuesa, M.J. López Pedraza, B. Isidoro, J. Mayordomo-Cava, L.C. Barberán, J. Collazos, J.M. Pérez-Ortiz, J. Barberán *Universidad Camilo José Cela, Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 63-67
アウトブレイクシミュレーション訓練の推進:2 つの専門を持つ医学研修生と感染予防・制御の専門家に対する共同パイロット研究
Advancing outbreak simulation training: a collaborative pilot study for dual-specialty medical trainees and infection prevention and control professionals A. King*, S. Cairns, L. Shepherd, J. Barrett, T. Inkster *NHS Education for Scotland, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 68-76
The impact of discontinuing single-room isolation of patients with vancomycin-resistant enterococci: a quasi-experimental single-centre study in South Korea S. Park*, S. Bae, E.O. Kim, E. Chang, M.J. Kim, Y.P. Chong, S-H. Choi, S-O. Lee, Y.S. Kim, J. Jung, S-H. Kim *Asan Medical Center, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 77-82
Virucidal activity of a plant-oil-based oral rinse against respiratory viruses T.L. Meister*, Y. Brüggemann, B. Becker, D. Paulmann, F.H.H. Brill, E. Steinmann *Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 83-86
High-consequence infectious diseases: the conception and development of a multi-disciplinary, interprofessional simulation training programme L. Sowole*, R. Kainth, C. Tuudah, A. Delmonte Sen, N. Price, G. O’Hara *Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 87-97
Patient engagement to counter catheter-associated urinary tract infections with an app(PECCA):多施設共同前向き分割時系列および前後研究★
Patient engagement to counter catheter-associated urinary tract infections with an app (PECCA): a multicentre, prospective, interrupted time-series and before-and-after study R.G. Bentvelsen*, B.J. Laan, T. Bonten, R. van der Vaart, D.J. Hetem, R. Soetekouw, S.E. Geerlings, N.H. Chavannes, K.E. Veldkamp *Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 98-106