COVID-19 期間に急性期ケア病院において個人防護具などの感染予防・制御実践が院内感染症の有病率に及ぼした影響:システマティックレビューおよびメタアナリシス★
Impact of infection prevention and control practices, including personal protective equipment, on the prevalence of hospital-acquired infections in acute care hospitals during: a systematic review and meta-analysis

J.K. Teus*, L. Mithen, H. Green, A. Hutton, R. Fernandez
*St George Hospital, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 32-39

院内伝播と死亡率に対する COVID-19制御対策の段階的縮小の影響を予測する:フランスのリハビリテーション病院におけるモデル化研究★
Predicting consequences of COVID-19 control measure de-escalation on nosocomial transmission and mortality: a modelling study in a French rehabilitation hospital

D.R.M. Smith*, A. Duval, R. Grant, M. Abbas, S. Harbarth, L. Opatowski, L. Temime
*University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 47-55

スペインの Madrid の医療従事者における麻疹の血清抗体陽性率★
Seroprevalence for measles among healthcare workers in Madrid, Spain la Cuerda*, M.I.Tejeda González, A. López Aparicio, C. Monfort Vinuesa, M.J. López Pedraza, B. Isidoro, J. Mayordomo-Cava, L.C. Barberán, J. Collazos, J.M. Pérez-Ortiz, J. Barberán
*Universidad Camilo José Cela, Spain

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 63-67

Patient engagement to counter catheter-associated urinary tract infections with an app(PECCA):多施設共同前向き分割時系列および前後研究★
Patient engagement to counter catheter-associated urinary tract infections with an app (PECCA): a multicentre, prospective, interrupted time-series and before-and-after study

R.G. Bentvelsen*, B.J. Laan, T. Bonten, R. van der Vaart, D.J. Hetem, R. Soetekouw, S.E. Geerlings, N.H. Chavannes, K.E. Veldkamp
*Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 98-106

What is the effect of reducing the air change rate on the ventilation effectiveness in ultra-clean operating rooms?

J.L.A. Lans*, N.M.C. Mathijssen, A. Bode, J.J. van den Dobbelsteen, M. van der Elst, P.G. Luscuere
*Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 147, 115-122

COVID-19 パンデミックが整形外科手術後の手術部位感染症の発生率に及ぼす影響:日本における全国サーベイランスデータベースの分割時系列分析★
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of surgical site infection after orthopaedic surgery: an interrupted time series analysis of the nationwide surveillance database in Japan

T. Mimura*, G. Matsumoto, T. Natori, S. Ikegami, M. Uehara, H. Oba, T. Hatakenaka, T. Kamanaka, Y. Miyaoka, D. Kurogochi, T. Fukuzawa, M. Koseki, S. Kanai, J. Takahashi
*Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 160-165

Profiles of central nervous system surgical site infections in endoscopic transnasal surgery exposing the intradural space

H. Hasegawa*, S. Kiyofuji, M. Umekawa, Y. Shinya, K. Okamoto, N. Shono, K. Kondo, M. Shin, N. Saito
*University of Tokyo, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 166-173

The effectiveness of fascial closure with antimicrobial-coated sutures in preventing incisional surgical site infections in gastrointestinal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

K. Kouzu*, H. Tsujimoto, T. Ishinuki, S. Shinji, H. Shinkawa, K. Tamura, M. Uchino, H. Ohge, J. Shimizu, S. Haji, Y. Mohri, C. Yamashita, Y. Kitagawa, K. Suzuki, M. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, Y. Hanai, H. Nobuhara, H. Imaoka, M. Yoshida, T. Mizuguchi, T. Mayumi, Y. Kitagawa
*National Defense Medical College, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 174-182

Effect of participation in a surgical site infection surveillance programme on hospital performance in Japan: a retrospective study

J. Kawabata*, H. Fukuda, K. Morikane
*Kurume University Hospital, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 183-191

Prevention of legionella infections from toilet flushing cisterns

L. Bechmann*, K. Bauer, P. Zerban, T. Esser, A. Tersteegen, S.A. Fuchs, A.J. Kaasch, D. Wolleschak, E. Schalk, T. Fischer, D. Mougiakakos, G. Geginat
*Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 37-43



