Can a humid storage environment of surgical instruments before reprocessing increase patient safety and durability of instruments?

P. Rubak*, J. Lorenzen, K. Ripadal, A-E. Christensen, D. Aaen, H.L. Nielsen, K. Bundgaard
*Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 64-71

Investigating clinicians’ determinants of antimicrobial prescribing behaviour using the Theoretical Domains Framework

H. Talkhan*, D. Stewart, T. McIntosh, H. Ziglam, P.V. Abdulrouf, M. Al-Hail, M. Diab, S. Cunningham
*Robert Gordon University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 72-83

Prediction of post-stroke urinary tract infection risk in immobile patients using machine learning: an observational cohort study

C. Zhu*, Z. Xu, Y. Gu, S. Zheng, X. Sun, J. Cao, B. Song, J. Jin, Y. Liu, X. Wen, S. Cheng, J. Li, X. Wu
*Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 96-107

3 次ケア病院における VRE アウトブレイクの有病率の推定のためのベイズ的時空間モデル
A Bayesian spatiotemporal model for prevalence estimation of a VRE outbreak in a tertiary care hospital

A. Atkinson*, B. Ellenberger, V. Piezzi, T. Kaspar, O. Endrich, A.B. Leichtle, M. Zwahlen, J. Marschall
*University of Bern, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 108-114

Qualitative study on the biological hazards associated with mortuary work: the Ghanaian perspective

A.F. Dartey*, G. Dzansi, J.K. Akortiakumah, E.A. Asiamah, A.S. Raji, S. Osei
*University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 126-132

Effect of point-of-care influenza tests on antibiotic prescriptions by emergency physicians in a French hospital

A. Berwa*, M. Gallouche, S. Larrat, J. Fauconnier, D. Viglino, J.L. Bosson, C. Landelle
*CHU Grenoble Alpes, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 133-139

浮遊試験および 4 フィールドテストにおけるクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)芽胞に対する 5 種類の「殺芽胞性」表面消毒薬の有効性
Efficacy of five ‘sporicidal’ surface disinfectants against Clostridioides difficile spores in suspension tests and 4-field tests

S.Gemein*, R. Andrich, B. Christiansen, M. Decius, M. Exner, B. Hunsinger, E. Imenova, G. Kampf, T. Koburger-Janssen, K. Konrat, H. Martiny, M. Meckel, N.T. Mutters, F-A. Pitten, S. Schulz, I. Schwebke, J. Gebel
*University Hospital Bonn, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 140-147

Evaluation of the substitution of poliomyelitis virus for testing virucidal activities of instrument and surface disinfection

J.Steinmann*, M. Eggers, I. Rapp, D. Todt, E. Steinmann, F.H.H. Brill, I. Schwebke
*Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Germany
Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122,60-63

シンガポールの 3 次ケア公立病院における COVID-19 パンデミックの影響:資源および経済的損失
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a tertiary care public hospital in Singapore: resources and economic costs


Y.Cai*, S. Kwek, S.S.L. Tang, S.E. Saffari, E. Lum, S. Yoon, J.P. Ansah, D.B. Matchar, A.L. Kwa, K.A. Ang, J. Thumboo, M.E.H. Ong, N. Graves

*Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore


Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 1-8


Delivery of antimicrobial stewardship competencies in UK pre-registration nurse education programmes: a national cross-sectional survey

M.Courtenay*, E. Castro-Sánchez, R. Gallagher, D. Gould, C. Hawker, on behalf of the Nurse Antimicrobial Stewardship Group
*Cardiff University, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 121, 39-48



