Gaseous and air decontamination technologies for Clostridium difficile in the healthcare environment
Innate resistance to sporicides and potential failure to decontaminate
Currently available sporicides for use in healthcare, and their limitations
Observing and quantifying airflows in the infection control of aerosol- and airborne-transmitted diseases: an overview of approaches
Skin antiseptics in venous puncture-site disinfection for prevention of blood culture contamination: systematic review with meta-analysis D. Caldeira*, C. David, C. Sampaio *Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Laboratory, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2011) 77, 223-232
Clinical and economic impact of contaminated blood cultures within the hospital setting
Foodborne gastroenteritis outbreak in an Austrian healthcare facility caused by asymptomatic, norovirus-excreting kitchen staff
Environmental survey to assess viral contamination of air and surfaces in hospital settings
Rapid testing for respiratory syncytial virus in a paediatric emergency department: benefits for infection control and bed management
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