乾燥表面バイオフィルムからの微生物の移動と黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)の低栄養および低湿度条件下での長期生存が病原性に及ぼす影響★
Transfer of micro-organisms from dry surface biofilms and the influence of long survival under conditions of poor nutrition and moisture on the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus

N.J. Amaeze*, A.B. Akinbobola, R. Kean, G. Ramage, C. Williams, W. Mackay
*University of West of Scotland, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 34-39

3 次病院にはびこるラシウス・ネグレクトゥス(Lasius neglectus)というアリによる病原菌の物理的な拡散のリスク評価★
Risk assessment of the mechanical spread of bacterial pathogens due to Lasius neglectus ants infesting a tertiary hospital

H. Frickmann*, S. Hurtig, A.R. Greine, S. Hering, O. Benedek, P. Warnke, A. Podbielski
*University Medicine Rostock, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 83-90

周期的に蓄積するバイオフィルムを除去することを目的とした内視鏡チャネルの 2 つの洗浄法の比較★
Comparison of two endoscope channel cleaning approaches to remove cyclic build-up biofilm

L. Moshkanbaryans*, V. Shah, L.Y. Tan, M.P. Jones, K. Vickery, M. Alfa, J. Burdach
*Nanosonics Ltd, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 91-95

ゲノムを重視した後向き解析で骨髄移植部門の汚染されたトイレからの多剤耐性緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)の伝播率が低いことが明らかに★
Retrospective genome-oriented analysis reveals low transmission rate of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from contaminated toilets at a bone marrow transplant unit

A. Rath*, B. Kieninger, J. Hahn, M. Edinger, E. Holler, A. Kratzer, J. Fritsch, A. Eichner, A. Caplunik-Pratsch, W. Schneider-Brachert
*University Hospital Regensburg, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 96-104

Preventive strategies in paediatric cardiovascular surgery: impact on surgical site infections and beyond

A.M. Montoya*, G.E. Roncancio, L. Franco, L. López, A.R. Vargas, S. Suárez, C.G. Garcés, M. Guzmán, J.M. Vanegas
*Clínica Cardio VID, Colombia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 114-124

小児の長期中心静脈カテーテル関連黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)感染症に対する救済戦略:フランスの多施設共同後向き研究★
Salvage strategy for long-term central venous catheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus infections in children: a multi-centre retrospective study in France

C. Devautour*, N. Poey, J. Lagier, E. Launay, A. Cerdac, N. Vergnaud, P. Berneau, P. Parize, A. Ferroni, L. Tzaroukian, Y. Pinhas, D. Pinquier, M. Lorrot, F. Dubos, M. Caseris, A. Ouziel, M. Chalumeau, J.F. Cohen, J. Toubiana
*Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital, AP-HP, Universite´Paris Cite´, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 125-133

スイスにおける広域スペクトルセファロスポリン耐性大腸菌(Escherichia coli)および肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)による血流感染症の疫学、2015 年から 2022 年:長期的傾向および COVID-19 パンデミックとの関連★★
Epidemiology of bloodstream infections caused by extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Switzerland, 2015 - 2022: secular trends and association with the COVID-19 pandemic

L. Damonti*, M. Gasser, A. Kronenberg, N. Buetti
*University of Bern, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 145-152

カナダ、アルバータ州における人工股関節および人工膝関節置換術後の人工関節感染症に対する外科的管理の負担:大規模都市医療センター 2 施設の分析と比較★
Burden of surgical management of prosthetic joint infections following hip and knee replacements in Alberta, Canada: an analysis and comparison of two major urban centres

K. Mponponsuo*, J. Leal, S. Puloski, D. Chew, S. Chavda, A. Ismail, F.Au, E. Rennert-May
*University of Calgary, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 153-162

水サンプル内のレジオネラ・ニューモフィラ(Legionella pneumophila)の検出および定量における IDEXX Legiolert®(液体培養アッセイ)および平板培養(ISO 11731:2017)の一致度★
Concordance between IDEXX Legiolert® (liquid culture assay) and plate culture (ISO 11731:2017) for the detection and quantification of Legionella pneumophila in water samples

K. Karia*, S. Yui, M. Muzslay, S. Ali
*University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 163-168



