Validation of personal protective equipment ensembles, incorporating powered air-purifying respirators protected from contamination, for the care of patients with high-consequence infectious diseases B. Crook*, C. Bailey, A. Sykes, M.C. Hoyle, C. Evans, B. Poller, C. Makison-Booth, D. Pocock, C. Tuudah, B. Athan, S. Hall *Health and Safety Executive, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 134, 71-79
日本のオミクロン株およびデルタ株流行期の医療従事者における SARS-CoV-2 感染のリスク因子の比較★★
Comparison of risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers during Omicron and Delta dominance periods in Japan Y. Li*, S. Yamamoto, Y. Oshiro, N. Inamura, T. Nemoto, K. Horii, J.S. Takeuchi, T. Mizoue, M. Konishi, M. Ozeki, H. Sugiyama, W. Sugiura, N. Ohmagari *National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 134, 97-107
2021 年における院内 COVID-19 の伝播動態および関連死亡:ロンドンの大規模教育病院における後向き研究★★
Transmission dynamics and associated mortality of nosocomial COVID-19 throughout 2021: a retrospective study at a large teaching hospital in London L.P.A. Hawkins*, S.J.C. Pallett, A. Mazzella, V. Anton-Vazquez, L. Rosas, S.M. Jawad, D. Shakespeare, A.S. Breathnach *St George’s Hospital, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 62-69
Higher yield in duodenoscope cultures collected with addition of neutralizing agent J.A. Kwakman*, M.C. Vos, M.J. Bruno *Erasmus MC University Medical Centre, the Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 28-35
第 1 波・第 2 波時の急性期医療環境での SARS-CoV-2 による表面および空気汚染★★
SARS-CoV-2 surface and air contamination in an acute healthcare setting during the first and second pandemic waves J.A. Otter*, J. Zhou, J.R. Price, L. Reeves, N. Zhu, P. Randell, S. Sriskandan, W.S. Barclay, A.H. Holmes *Imperial College London & Public Health England, Hammersmith Hospital, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 36-45
COVID-19 ワクチン接種を完了した(追加接種済みの)医療従事者における最後の COVID-19 ワクチン接種の時期と SARS-CoV-2 ブレイクスルー感染★★
Timing of last COVID-19 vaccine dose and SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections in fully (boosted) vaccinated healthcare personnel H.C. Maltezou*, M.N. Gamaletsou, T.V. Giannouchos, D-M. Koukou, A. Karapanou, F. Sourri, N. Syrimi, N. Lemonakis, E. Peskelidou, K. Papanastasiou, K. Souliotis, A. Lourida, P. Panagopoulos, D. Hatzigeorgiou, N.V. Sipsas *National Public Health Organization, Greece Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 46-51
造血幹細胞および固形臓器の移植患者において SARS-CoV-2の感染力を評価するためのウイルス培養、サイクル閾値(Ct 値)およびウイルス量推定:システマティックレビュー★★
Viral cultures, cycle threshold values and viral load estimation for assessing SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness in haematopoietic stem cell and solid organ transplant patients: a systematic review T. Jefferson*, E.A. Spencer, J.M. Conly, E.C. Rosca, S. Maltoni, J. Brassey, I.J. Onakpoya, D.H. Evans, C.J. Heneghan, A. Plüddemann *University of Oxford, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 62-72
従来の設計による病棟において、移動式 HEPA フィルター付きろ過装置は自然換気による空中浮遊粒子の除去を十分に増大させる★★
Portable HEPA filtration successfully augments natural-ventilation-mediated airborne particle clearance in a legacy design hospital ward M. Fennelly*, S. Hellebust, J. Wendger, D. O’Connor, G.W. Griffith, B.J. Plant, M.B. Prentice *University College Cork, Irelan Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 54-57
得られた教訓:SARS-CoV-2 の院内アウトブレイクの疑いに関するリアルタイム調査における全ゲノムシークエンシングの使用★★
Lessons learned: use of WGS in real-time investigation of suspected intrahospital SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks H. Berggreen*, A.H. Løvestad, K. Helmersen, S.B. Jørgensen, H.V. Aamot *Akershus University Hospital, Norway Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 81-88
Financial incentives for infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship to reduce antibiotic use: Japan’s nationwide observational study Y. Okubo*, A. Nishi, K. Uda, I. Miyairi, N. Michihata, R. Kumazawa, H. Matsui, K. Fushimi, H. Yasunaga *National Center for Child Health and Development, Japan Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 89-98