病院内理髪店における汚染された理髪器具キットに関連するセラチア・マルセッセンス(Serratia marcescens)による脳神経外科手術部位感染症アウトブレイクのゲノム疫学研究★★
Genomic epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of Serratia marcescens neurosurgical site infections associated with contaminated haircutting toolkits in a hospital barber shop X. Liu*, Z. Yan, L. Ye, K. Wang, J. Li, Y. Lin, C. Liao, Y. Liu, P. Li, M. Du *Chinese PLA Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 58-66
Evaluation of temperature, drying time and other determinants for the recovery of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens in disinfectant efficacy testing B.R. Klarczyk*, L. Ruffert, A. Ulatowski, D.C. Mogrovejo, E. Steinmann, J. Steinmann, F.H.H. Brill *Dr. Brill und Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, Hamburg, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 17-24
迅速かつ簡便な multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis:肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)アウトブレイクのスクリーニングのための信頼性の高いツール★★
Rapid, simple multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis: a reliable tool for Klebsiella pneumoniae outbreak screening C. Legouge*, P. Bidet, M. Gits-Muselli, A. Cointe, C. Courroux, A. Birgy, S. Bonacorsi *Hôpital Robert-Debré, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 41-48
Bacterial contamination of water used as thermal transfer fluid in fluid-warming devices M. Schnetzinger*, F. Heger, A. Indra, O. Kimberger *Medical University of Vienna, Austria Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 49-54
外来患者の手指衛生行動および COVID-19 感染予防策とその関連の調査★★
Examining outpatients’ hand hygiene behaviour and its relation to COVID-19 infection prevention measures S. Gaube*, K. Walton, A-K. Kleine, S. Däumling, C. Rohrmeier, S. Müller, E. Bonrath, W. Schneider-Brachert *University College London, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 55-62
Tailored positioning and number of hand rub dispensers: the fundamentals for optimized hand hygiene compliance A. Dick*, C.M. Sterr, L. Dapper, C. Nonnenmacher-Winter, F. Günther *Marburg University Hospital, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 71-79
Large-scale characterization of hospital wastewater system microbiomes and clinical isolates from infected patients: profiling of multi-drug-resistant microbial species S.A. Kelly*, N.H. O’Connell, T.P. Thompson, L. Dillon, J. Wu, C. Creevey, P. Kiely, B. Slevin, J. Powell, B.F. Gilmore, C.P. Dunne *Queen’s University Belfast, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 152-166
同時に存在する複数の感染経路に影響する新生児集中治療室におけるアデノウイルス D8 のアウトブレイク★★
Outbreak of adenovirus D8 in a neonatal intensive care unit involving multiple simultaneous transmission pathways C. Sartor, I. Ligi, P.R. Petit, I. Grandvuillemin, C. Zandotti, A. Nougairede, S. Schipani, F. Fenollar, R.N. Charrel *CLIN AP-HM Hôpitaux Universitaires de Marseille, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 54-61
Bacterial reservoir in deeper skin is a potential source for surgical site and biomaterial-associated infections C. Guarch-Pérez*, M. Riool, L. de Boer, P. Kloen, S.A.J. Zaat *University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 62-71
事前に洗浄しない自動 UV-C 照射よりも、予め含浸したワイプによる用手消毒の優位性が上回る★★
Superiority of manual disinfection using pre-soaked wipes over automatic UV-C radiation without prior cleaning B. Knobling*, A. Ulatowski, G. Franke, C. Belmar Campos, H. Büttner, E.M. Klupp, P.M. Maurer, F.H.H. Brill, J.K. Knobloch *University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 72-78