多剤耐性血清型 O12 分離株を含む緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)分離株に関する迅速で簡素化された multiple-locus variable-number of tandem repeats analysisおよび全ゲノムシークエンシングを用いた疫学調査★★
Epidemiological investigation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates including multidrug-resistant serogroup O12 isolates, by use of a rapid and simplified multiple-locus variable-number of tandem repeats analysis and whole genome sequencing P. Bidet*, A. Birgy, B. Brethon, J.H. Dalle, P. Mariani-Kurkdjian, C. Courroux, A. Monjault, M. Gits-Muselli, S. Bonacorsi *Université Paris Cité, IAME, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 56-62
SARS-CoV-2 の媒介物伝播を評価するためのウイルス培養:システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス★★
Viral cultures for assessing fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review and meta-analysis I.J. Onakpoya*, C.J. Heneghan, E.A. Spencer, J. Brassey, E.C. Rosca, S. Maltoni, A. Plüddemann, D.H. Evans, J.M. Conly, T. Jefferson *University of Oxford, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 63-94
2 種類のアルコール性術前皮膚処置液の抗菌持続性★★
Antimicrobial persistence of two alcoholic preoperative skin preparation solutions C. Beausoleil*, S.L. Comstock, D. Werner, L. Li, J.M. Eby, E.C. Zook *BioScience Laboratories, Inc., USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 8-16
病院の COVID-19 伝播予防戦略の違い:韓国の全国調査結果★★
Differences in strategies for prevention of COVID-19 transmission in hospitals: nationwide survey results from the Republic of Korea W. Jang*, B. Kim, E.S. Kim, K-H. Song, S.M. Moon, M.J. Lee, J.Y. Park, J-Y. Kim, M.J. Shin, H. Lee, H.B. Kim *Hanyang University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 22-30
Compliance with international prevention guidelines for central-line-associated bloodstream infections in neonatal intensive care units in Belgium: a national survey L. Mahieu*, K. Van Damme, K. Mertens, J. Pierart, M. Tackoen, V. Cossey *Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 49-57
医療従事者の共感度との関連でみた「手指衛生の 5 つの機会」に関する観察された遵守と自己報告による遵守の差★★
Differences in observed and self-reported compliance with ‘Five Moments for Hand Hygiene’ as a function of the empathy of healthcare workers S. Diefenbacher*, C. Plotzki, W. Schneider-Brachert, A. Ambrosch, J. Keller, H. Niesalla, S. Gaube, P. Gastmeier, C. Sassenrath, T.S. Kramer *Ulm University, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 39-46
SARS-CoV-2 の発生率が中程度および高い時期の病院でのうがい液のプール方式の PCR 検査★★
Gargle pool PCR testing in a hospital during medium and high SARS-CoV-2 incidence P. Kheiroddin*, V.D. Gaertner, P. Schöberl, E. Fischer, J. Niggel, P. Pagel, B.M.J. Lampl, A. Ambrosch, M. Kabesch *University Children’s Hospital Regensburg (KUNO), Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 69-76
内科および外科病棟の看護師および医師における手指衛生の直接観察および手指衛生遵守に関するフィードバックの影響:8 年間の観察研究★★
Impact of direct hand hygiene observations and feedback on hand hygiene compliance among nurses and doctors in medical and surgical wards: an eight-year observational study H. Ojanperä*, P. Ohtonen, O. Kanste, H. Syrjälä *University of Oulu, Finland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 83-90
Impact of sink design on bacterial transmission from hospital sink drains to the surrounding sink environment tested using a fluorescent marker J. Pirzadian*, T. Souhoka, M. Herweijer, L. van Heel, W.J.B. van Wamel, R.H.M. Goossens, J.A. Severin, M.C. Vos *Erasmus MC University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 39-43
Bed bug infestation in a French university hospital: control strategy, financial impact and perspectives A. Gressier*, N. Galakhoff, P. Thuillier, V. Kerlan, V. Cogulet, M. Cosse, L. Daniel, M. Canevet, S. Cabon, A. Le Grand, R. Baron, P. Saliou *Brest Teaching Hospital, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 81-86