Quantitative microbial risk assessment of human norovirus infection in environmental service workers due to healthcare-associated fomites

K.N. Overbey*, G.B. Hamra, K.E. Nachman, C. Rock, K.J. Schwab
*Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 52-64

Aerosol-generating dental procedures: a reappraisal of analysis methods and infection control measures

K.S. Tan*, R.J.J. Chew, P.F. Allen, V.S.H. Yu
*National University of Singapore, Singapore

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 81-88

ブラジルの統合医療システムに所属する大学病院 50 施設において推定した医療関連感染症が集中治療室に及ぼす経済的影響★
Financial impact of healthcare-associated infections on intensive care units estimated for fifty Brazilian university hospitals affiliated to the unified health system

S.F. Osme*, J.M. Souza, I.T. Osme, A.P.S. Almeida, A. Arantes, C. Mendes-Rodrigues, P.P. Gontijo Filho, R.M. Ribas
*Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 96-102

銅製パイプおよびシャワーホース材料における緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)バイオフィルムに対する不十分な温度での熱消毒★
Thermal disinfection at suboptimal temperature of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm on copper pipe and shower hose materials

S. Yui*, K. Karia, S. Ali, M. Muzslay, P. Wilson
*University College London Hospital, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 103-110

3 年間の手指衛生モニタリングならびにリアルタイムのリマインダーが遵守率に及ぼす影響★
Three-year hand hygiene monitoring and impact of real-time reminders on compliance

F. Huang*, S. Boudjema, P. Brouqui
*Aix Marseille Université France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 111-116

Accuracy of hospital-based surveillance systems for surgical site infection after adult spine surgery: a Bayesian latent class analysis

O. Lasry*, T. Ailon, R. Charest-Morin, N. Dea, M. Dvorak, C. Fisher, A. Gara, B. Kwon, E. Lloyd-Smith, S. Paquette, T. Wong, J. Street
*University of British Columbia, Canada

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 117-123

リハビリテーションクリニックにおける SARS-CoV-2 の爆発的院内アウトブレイク:アウトブレイク再構築におけるゲノミクスの限界★
Explosive nosocomial outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in a rehabilitation clinic: the limits of genomics for outbreak reconstruction

M. Abbas*, T. Robalo Nunes, A. Cori, S. Cordey, F. Laubscher, S. Baggio, T. Jombart, A. Iten, L. Vieux, D. Teixeira, M. Perez, D. Pittet, E. Frangos, C.E. Graf, W. Zingg, S. Harbarth
*Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 124-134

プラスミドの菌種間伝播を伴うニューデリー・メタロ-β-ラクタマーゼ 1(NDM-1)によるサルモネラ(Salmonella enterica)の病院アウトブレイク★
Hospital outbreak of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase type-1 (NDM-1) in Salmonella enterica with interspecies plasmid transmission

A.G. Beukers*, M.A. John, R. Davis, A. Lee, S.J. van Hal
*Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 117, 23-27

咳嗽を誘発する、または気道吸引を伴う医療手技は、エアロゾル発生の増加ならびに SARS-CoV-2 感染リスクと関連するか?迅速システマティックレビュー★
Are medical procedures that induce coughing or involve respiratory suctioning associated with increased generation of aerosols and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection? A rapid systematic review

J. Wilson*, G. Carson, S. Fitzgerald, M.J. Llewelyn, D. Jenkins, S. Parker, A. Boies, J. Thomas, K. Sutcliffe, A.J. Sowden, A. O’Mara-Eves, C. Stansfield, E. Harriss, J. Reilly, members of the Independent High Risk AGP Review Panel
*University of West London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 37-46

多剤耐性アシネトバクター・バウマニー(Acinetobacter baumannii)の空中拡散:COVID-19 パンデミック中の院内伝播の示唆★
Air dispersal of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: implications for nosocomial transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic

S.-C. Wong*, G.K.-M. Lam, J.H.-K. Chen, X. Li, F.T.-F. Ip, L.L.-H. Yuen, V.W.-M. Chan, C.H.-Y. AuYeung, S.Y.-C. So, P.-L. Ho, K.-Y. Yuen, V.C.-C. Cheng
*Hong Kong West Cluster, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 78-86



