新生児集中治療室におけるエンテロバクター・クロアカエ(Enterobacter cloacae)複合体株のアウトブレイク:多面的調査および予防策が必要★
Enterobacter cloacae complex outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit: multifaceted investigations and preventive measures are needed A. Rahal*, A. Andreo, F. Le Gallou, C. Bourigault, C. Bouchand, C. Ferriot, S. Corvec, A. Guillouzouic, C. Gras-Leguen, E. Launay, C. Flamant, D. Lepelletier *Nantes University Hospital, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 87-90
The defects of lace-up surgical masks and related solutions in operating rooms X. Wang*, F. Lin, Z. Wang, J. Hu, X. Li, B. Zhu, J. Zhang *Medical College of Qinghai University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 115, 64-70
待機的手術患者における SARS-CoV-2 感染症予防モデルの有効性‐前向き研究:普遍的スクリーニングは意味があるか?★
Effectiveness of a SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention model in elective surgery patients – a prospective study: does universal screening make sense? O. Moreno-Pérez*, E. Merino, P. Chico-Sánchez, P. Gras-Valentí, J. Sánchez-Payá, on behalf of the COVID19-ALC Research Group *Alicante General University Hospitale-Alicante Institute for Health and Biomedical Research, Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 115, 27-31
Personalized infection prevention and control: identifying patients at risk of healthcare-associated infection S. Stewart*, C. Robertson, S. Kennedy, K. Kavanagh, L. Haahr, S. Manoukian, H. Mason, S. Dancer, B. Cook, J. Reilly *Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 32-42
The efficacy of ultraviolet light-emitting technology against coronaviruses: a systematic review F. Chiappa*, B. Frascella, G.P. Vigezzi, M. Moro, L. Diamanti, L. Gentile, P. Lago, N. Clementi, C. Signorelli, N. Mancini, A. Odone *University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 63-78
新規デザインの尿道カテーテルは流体力学に影響を及ぼすことで in vitro でのバイオフィルム形成を抑制する★
A new urinary catheter design reduces in-vitro biofilm formation by influencing hydrodynamics A.C. Ionescu*, E. Brambilla, M.C. Sighinolfi, R. Mattina *University of Milan, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 153-162
SARS-CoV-2 変異株のステンレス鋼表面上での残存の比較★
A comparison of persistence of SARS-CoV-2 variants on stainless steel T. Pottage*, I. Garratt, O. Onianwa, A. Spencer, S. Paton, N.Q. Verlander, J. Dunning, A. Bennett *Public Health England, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 163-166
イスラエル南部における成人の入院時の SARS-CoV-2 の普遍的スクリーニング★
SARS-CoV-2 universal screening upon adult hospital admission in Southern Israel L. Saidel-Odes*, T. Shafat, R. Nativ, A. Borer, L. Nesher *Soroka University Medical Centre, Israel Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 167-170
A splash-reducing clinical handwash basin reduces droplet-mediated dispersal from a sink contaminated with Gram-negative bacteria in a laboratory model system P. Aranega-Bou*, C. Cornbill, N.Q. Verlander, G. Moore *Public Health England, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 171-174
Prevalence and significance of bacterial contamination of autologous stem cell products
L. Damonti*, N. Buetti, S. Droz, U. Bacher, T. Pabst, B.M. Taleghani, G.M. Baerlocher, J. Marschall
*University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 112, 175-179