Prevalence of alcohol-tolerant and antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens on public hand sanitizer dispensers Y.W.S. Yeung*, Y. Ma, S.Y. Liu, W.H. Pun, S.L. Chua *The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 26-33
The dangers of reused personal protective equipment: healthcare workers and workstation contamination D. Doos*, P. Barach, N.J. Alves, L. Falvo, A. Bona, M. Moore, D.D. Cooper, R. Lefort, R. Ahmed *Indiana University School of Medicine, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 59-68
「8 時間の装着+消毒シミュレーション」の複数サイクル中における N95 マスクの濾過効率★
Filtration efficiency of N95 filtering facepiece respirators during multi-cycles of ‘8-hour simulated donning + disinfection’ J. Zhu*, Q. Jiang, X. He, X. Li, L. Wang, L. Zheng, P. Jing, M. Chen *Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines (China University of Mining and Technology), China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 91-100
英国におけるカンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris)に対するリアルタイム PCR によるサーベイランス実施の最初の経験:2 つの国際クレードの複数の導入の検出と患者転帰の改善★
First experience of implementing Candida auris real-time PCR for surveillance in the UK: detection of multiple introductions with two international clades and improved patient outcomes S.K. Taori*, J. Rhodes, K. Khonyongwa, A. Szendroi, M. Smith, A.M. Borman, J. Kumarage, C.S. Brown, G. Moore, N. Desai *NHS Lothian, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 111-120
ベトナムの 3 次病院における小児患者を対象とした強化抗菌薬適正使用支援の有効性★
Effectiveness of an enhanced antibiotic stewardship programme among paediatric patients in a tertiary hospital in Vietnam H.Q. Nguyen*, H-Y. Nguyen-Thi, P-T. Huynh, N.D.T. Le, N.T-Q. Nguyen, Y. Hsia *University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 121-128
救命救急環境において過炎症反応をきたした COVID-19 患者へのトシリズマブ投与と、院内細菌感染症および侵襲性真菌感染症の発生率増加との関連★
Association between tocilizumab treatment of hyperinflammatory patients with COVID-19 in a critical care setting and elevated incidence of hospital-acquired bacterial and invasive fungal infections B. Minihan*, E. McAuliffe, J. Powell, S.L. Wong, K. Wilkie, C. Murphy, A. Maher, L. Power, N.H. O’Connell, C.P. Dunne *University of Limerick, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 29-36
Impact of material properties in determining quaternary ammonium compound adsorption and wipe product efficacy against biofilms M.J. Pascoe*, S. Mandal, O.A. Williams, J-Y. Maillard *Cardiff University, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 37-43
Comparison of multistate model, survival regression, and matched case-control methods for estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections J. Pan*, K. Kavanagh, S. Stewart, C. Robertson, S. Kennedy, S. Manoukian, L. Haahr, N. Graves, J. Reilly *University of Strathclyde, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 44-51
Decreased mortality among patients with catheter-related bloodstream infections at Catalan hospitals (2010-2019) L. Badia-Cebada*, J. Peñafiel, J. López-Contreras, V. Pomar, J.A. Martínez, G. Santana, J. Cuquet, M.M. Montero, C. Hidalgo-López, M. Andrés, M. Gimenez, M.D. Quesada, M. Vaqué, S. Iftimie, C. Gudiol, R. Pérez, A. Coloma, A. Marron, P. Barrufet, M. Marimon, A. Lérida, M. Clarós, M.F. Ramírez-Hidalgo, G. Garcia Pardo, M.J. Martinez, E.L. Chamarro, E. Jiménez-Martínez, A. Hornero, E. Limón, M. López, E. Calbo, M. Pujol, O. Gasch, on behalf of the Surveillance of health-care associated infections in Catalonia (VINCat) *Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 70-77
Patients’ perspectives of healthcare-associated infection: ‘you don’t know what impacts it will have on your life’ B.G. Mitchell*, M. Northcote, C. Rickett, P.L. Russo, M. Amin, F. De Sousa, K. Pearce, J. Sim, C. Curryer *The University of Newcastle, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 93-102