シンガポールの新生児 ICU における水を使用しない集中治療室(ICU)診療に関する医療従事者の知識・態度・実践および認識されている課題
Knowledge, attitudes, practices, and perceived challenges for healthcare workers on waterless intensive care unit (ICU) care at a neonatal ICU in Singapore

S. Buvaneswarran*, M.C.W. Chua, Z. Amin, X. Wang, J.M. Low
*National University Children’s Medical Institute, National University Hospital, Singapore

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 44-51

Spaulding 分類を補う再利用可能な医療器材の洗浄分類体系の提案
A proposed cleaning classification system for reusable medical devices to complement the Spaulding classification

T. Kremer*, N.J. Rowan, G. McDonnell
*Technological University of the Shannon Midlands Midwest, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 88-98

Efficacy of preventive interventions against ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients: an umbrella review of meta-analyses

D. Zhu*, Q. Zhao, S. Guo, L. Bai, S. Yang, Y. Zhao, Y. Xu, X. Zhou
*Jiangsu Province Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 174-186

病棟間の入院患者の移動が大規模な院内 COVID-19 アウトブレイクを引き起こす(ウェールズ、2020年から 2022年):ルーチンサーベイランスと強化サーベイランスのデータを用いたマッチド症例対照研究
Transferring inpatients between wards drives large nosocomial COVID-19 outbreaks, Wales, 2020–22: a matched case-control study using routine and enhanced surveillance data

R. Merrick*, C. McKerr, J. Song, K. Donnelly, R. Gerrard, M. Morgan, C. Williams, N. Craine
*UK Health Security Agency, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 1-10

Measuring the effectiveness of an integrated intervention package to improve the level of infection prevention and control: a multi-centre study in Bangladesh

A. Ahmed*, L. Hossain, G. Banik, A. Sayeed, M.R.U.-Z. Sajib, M.M. Hasan, D.E. Hoque, A.S.M. Hasan, V. Raghuyamshi, Shamsuz Zaman, E. Akter, N. Nusrat, F. Rahman, S. Raza, M.R. Hasan, J. Uddin, S. Sarkar, S.D. Adnan, A. Rahman, S. Ameen, S. Jabeen, S. El Arifeen, A.E. Rahman
*Uppsala University, Sweden

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 22-33

2 型糖尿病患者における関節全置換術後の人工関節周囲感染症のリスクに対する台湾のDiabetes Shared Care Program の影響:8 年間の集団ベース研究
Effect of Taiwan’s Diabetes Shared Care Program on the risk of periprosthetic joint infection after total joint arthroplasty in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: an eight-year population-based study

Y-H. Lin*, C-H. Lin, Y-Y. Huang, P-H. Liu, Y-C. Lin
*Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 34-43

Smart-detection approach for protein residues to evaluate the cleaning efficacy of reusable medical devices

T. Ouirungroj*, S. Apichai, T. Pattananandecha, K. Grudpan, C. Saenjum
*Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 44-51

Risk factors for surgical site infection following orthopaedic surgery for fracture by trauma: a nested case-control study

T. Sato*, K. Shibahashi, M. Aoki, D. Kudo, S. Kushimoto
*Tohoku University Hospital, Japan

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 52-58

医療マスク着用義務の解除が院内 COVID-19 の発生率に及ぼす影響
Impact of removing the healthcare mask mandate on hospital-acquired COVID-19 rates

R. Mehra*, B.J. Patterson, P.A. Riley, T.D. Planche, A.S. Breathnach
*St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 59-64

2020 年から 2022 年のノルウェーにおける病院下水を介した、エピデミックの原因となるOXA-244 カルバペネマーゼ産生大腸菌(Escherichia coli)ST38 の出現と拡散
Emergence and dissemination of epidemic-causing OXA-244 carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli ST38 through hospital sewage in Norway, 2020–2022

D.H. Grevskott*, V. Radisic, F. Salvà-Serra, E.R.B. Moore, K.S. Akervold, M.P. Victor, N.P. Marathe
*Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 165-173



