Single-use surgical clothing system for reduction of airborne bacteria in the operating room
An outbreak of Burkholderia multivorans beyond cystic fibrosis patients
Polymerase chain reaction assay to detect Clostridium difficile tcdC variants is valuable in characterizing hospital epidemiology
Classification of MRSA cases detected at the time of hospital admission: does the ‘look-back’ period matter?
Close association between oropharyngeal and rhinopharyngeal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus‐clues to new insight of MRSA colonization of the oropharynx
Critical evaluation of ninhydrin for monitoring surgical instrument decontamination
Moving into the future: electronic surveillance for healthcare-associated infections
Advances in electronic surveillance for healthcare-associated infections in the 21st Century: a systematic review
Infections acquired in intensive care units: results of national surveillance in Belgium, 1997-2010
Quality control of the surveillance programme of ICU-acquired infection (ENVIN-HELICS registry) in Spain