A critical review on the current state of antimicrobial glove technologies: advances, challenges and future prospects

S.W. How*, D.Y.S. Low, B.F. Leo, S. Manickam, B.H. Goh, S.Y. Tang
*Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 24-34

COVID-19 患者において医療関連感染症を引き起こす多剤耐性菌の発生:後向き多施設研究
The emergence of multi-drug-resistant bacteria causing healthcare-associated infections in COVID-19 patients: a retrospective multi-centre study

I. Gajic*, M. Jovicevic, V. Popadic, A. Trudic, J. Kabic, D. Kekic, A. Ilic, S. Klasnja, M. Hadnadjev, D.J. Popadic, A. Andrijevic, A. Prokic, R. Tomasevic, L. Ranin, Z. Todorovic, M. Zdravkovic, N. Opavski
*University of Belgrade, Serbia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 1-7

An increasing threat in intensive care units: evaluation of multi-drug-resistant Myroides spp. infections and risk factors

A. Gülmez*, A.N. Ceylan, O. Özalp
*Istanbul Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Turkey

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 8-16

カンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris)の環境表面材料上の生存と消毒薬に対する低度耐性
Survival of Candida auris on environmental surface materials and low-level resistance to disinfectant

O. Dire*, A. Ahmad, S. Duze, M. Patel
*University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 17-23

Comparative effectiveness and safety of antibiotic prophylaxis during induction chemotherapy in children with acute leukaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

M. Yang*, X. Lud, L. Xin, J. Luo, S. Diao, Z. Jia, G. Cheng, L. Zeng, L. Zhang
*West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 20-29

Pragmatic review of interventions to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in adult inpatients

J. Gray*, A. Rachakonda, J. Karnon
*Flinders University, Australia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 55-74

ICU における個人間のカルバペネム耐性菌の伝播の拡散を減少させるための介入および接触ネットワークのモデリング
Modelling interventions and contact networks to reduce the spread of carbapenem-resistant organisms between individuals in the ICU

D.A. Martínez*, J. Cai, G. Lin, K.E. Goodman, R. Paul, J. Lessler, S.R. Levin, M. Toerper, P.J. Simner, A.M. Milstone, E.Y. Klein, on behalf of the MInD-Healthcare
*Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 1-7

開頭術後の骨弁感染:63 症例のレビューと定義、分類およびサーベイランス方法への影響
Bone flap infections after craniotomy: a review of 63 cases and the implications for definitions, classification and surveillance methodologies

S. O’Donnell*, M. Creedon, J. Walsh, B. Dinesh, D.P. O’Brien, S. MacNally, H. Humphreys
*Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 14-19

中所得国における腹部手術後の手術部位感染症による費用:Key resource use In Wound Infection(KIWI)試験
The costs of surgical site infection after abdominal surgery in middle-income countries: Key resource use In Wound Infection (KIWI) study

M. Monahan*, J. Glasbey, T.E. Roberts, S. Jowett, T. Pinkney, A. Bhangu, D.G. Morton, A.R. de la Medina, D. Ghosh, A.O. Ademuyiwa, F. Ntirenganya, S. Tabiri, on behalf of the NIHR Global Research Health Unit on Global Surgery
*University of Birmingham, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 38-44

Prediction model of central nervous system infections in patients with severe traumatic brain injury after craniotomy

G. Lu*, Y. Liu, Y. Huang, J. Ding, Q. Zeng, L. Zhao, M. Li, H. Yu, Y. Li
*Yangzhou University, China

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 90-99



