医療関連感染症:集中治療室における COVID-19 患者の生存に対する脅威★
Healthcare-associated infections: a threat to the survival of patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units V. de Macedo*, G.S. Santos, R.N. Silva, C.N.M. Couto, C. Bastos, E. Viecelli, M.N. Mateus, M.E. Graf, R.B. Gonçalves, M.A. Silva, P.D.B. Bernardini, R.S.P. Grando, V.P. Boaventura, H.S.R. Pereira, A.S.S. Levin *Santa Casa de Curitiba, Brazil Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 109-115
Application of normative documents for determination of biocidal activity of disinfectants and antiseptics dedicated to the medical area: a narrative review S. Tyski*, E. Bocian, A.E. Laudy *National Medicines Institute, Poland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022)125,75-91
パンデミック時の歯科、口腔/顎顔面外科治療における COVID-19 の伝播:日本の大学病院 51 施設における質問票調査★
COVID-19 transmission in dental and oral/maxillofacial surgical practice during pandemic: questionnaire survey in 51 university hospitals in Japan H. Tanaka*, H. Kurita, Y. Shibuya, D. Chikazu, M. Iino, K. Hoshi, W. Kobayashi, S. Yokoo, K. Kawano, K. Mitsudo, A. Miyazaki, Y. Ota, H. Kishimoto, Y. Mori, T. Yamamoto *Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 21-27
医療従事者の指先の細菌の不活化に対する銀ポリマー、乳酸、ベンザルコニウム塩化物を利用した 3 種類の手指消毒用非アルコール製剤の有効性の低さ★
Low efficacy of three non-alcohol-based hand disinfectants utilizing silver polymer, lactic acid and benzalkonium chloride on inactivation of bacteria on the fingertips of healthcare workers J-M. Lehtinen*, M. Kanerva, E. Tarkka, J. Ollgren, V-J. Anttila *University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Finland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 55-59
統合した細胞培養とリアルタイム RT-PCR を組み合わせた懸濁液中のエボラウイルスの不活化に対する消毒薬の有効性★
Efficacy of disinfectants for inactivation of Ebola virus in suspension by integrated cell culture coupled with real-time RT-PCR Y. Huang*, S. Xiao, D. Song, Z. Yuan *National Biosafety Laboratory, PR China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 67-74
Ukraine war refugees - threats and new challenges for healthcare in Poland K. Lewtak*, K. Kanecki, P. Tyszko, P. Goryński, M. Bogdan, A. Nitsch-Osuch *Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 125, 37-43
3 次病院でのカルバペネマーゼ産生カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌目細菌の曝露者における感染率の全ゲノムシークエンシングによる調査★
Investigation on the transmission rate of carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales among exposed persons in a tertiary hospital using whole-genome sequencing E. Chang*, H.E. Chang, I.S. Shin, Y.R. Oh, C.K. Kang, P.G. Choe, W.B. Park, E.H. Choi, M.D. Oh, K.U. Park, N.J. Kim *Seoul National University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 124, 1-8
Cost of antibiotics in medical intensive care D. Ismail* *University Hassan II of Casablanca Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Morocco Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 124, 47-55
Hinged surgical instruments: efficacy of double manual cleaning versus automated cleaning on biofilm removal D. de Melo Costa*, R. Castillo, K. Vickery, A. Ferreira Veiga Tipple, L.K. de Oliveira Lopes, H. Hu *Macquarie University, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 124, 67-71
Bacterial contamination of bone allografts in the tissue banks: a systematic review and meta-analysis N. Baseri*, A. Meysamie, F. Campanile, A.A. Hamidieh, A. Jafarian *Pasteur Institute of Iran, Iran Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 156-173