Antimicrobial stewardship programme implementation in the UAE: perspectives of key stakeholders using Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research N. Hashad*, D. Stewart, D. Perumal, N. Abdulrazzaq, A.P. Tonna *Pharmacy, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 137, 69-76
脂肪吸引カニューレをヒト脂肪、マイコバクテリウム・アブセサス(Mycobacterium abscessus)亜種 bolletii およびゲオバチルス・ステアロサーモフィルス(Geobacillus stearothermophilus)で意図的に汚染させた後の洗浄および滅菌の評価★
Evaluation of cleaning and sterilization of liposuction cannulas after intentional contamination with human fat, Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies bolletii, and Geobacillus stearothermophilus J.A.G. Bronzatti*, R.Q. de Souza, C.V. Niero, C.L. Romagnoli, N.M. da Silva, C.Q. de Moraes Bruna, L.A. Gioielli, K.U. Graziano *University of São Paulo, Brazil Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 8-13
Influence of bed making on loads of airborne and surface-associated drug-resistant bacteria in patient rooms P. Warnke*, V.R. Pappisch, H. Frickmann, A. Podbielski *University Medicine Rostock, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 45-54
Modifiable risk factors associated with later gut decolonization of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in children: a prospective cohort study V.-M. Darda*, E. Iosifidis, C. Antachopoulos, F. Kirvasilis, C. Zarras, A.B. Haidich, E. Papakonstantinou, A. Kontou, M. Sdougka, E. Roilides *Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and Hippokration General Hospital, Greece Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 75-84
Compliance of patient companions and visitors with hand hygiene: an observational study H.N. Kaya*, B. Süslü, R. Aydın, S. Atay *Ҫanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 85-89
Evaluation of cold atmospheric plasma for the decontamination of flexible endoscopes R.C. Hervé*, M.G. Kong, S. Bhatt, H-L. Chen, E.E. Comoy, J-P. Deslys, T.J. Secker, C.W. Keevil *University of Southampton, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 136, 100-109
麻酔導入における WHO『手指衛生 5 つのタイミング』:ビデオに基づく解析により新たなシステムの課題と設計機会が明らかに★
WHO ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ in anaesthesia induction: a video-based analysis reveals novel system challenges and design opportunities J.B. Schmutz*, B. Grande, H. Sax *University of Zurich, Switzerland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 135, 163-170
Individual hand hygiene improvements and effects on healthcare-associated infections: a long-term follow-up study using an electronic hand hygiene monitoring system A. Rosenfeldt Knudsen*, M. Bo Hansen, J. Kjølseth Møller *University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Denmark Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 135, 179-185
ノルウェーの病院における完全自動登録によるサーベイランスシステムにより検出された医療関連 SARS-CoV-2 感染症のクラスター★
Clusters of healthcare-associated SARS-CoV-2 infections in Norwegian hospitals detected by a fully automatic register-based surveillance system H. Skagseth*, A.S. Danielsen, O. Kacelnik, U.J. Trondsen, T.C. Berg, N.K. Sorknes, H-M. Eriksen-Volle *Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 135, 50-54
Establishment and application of test methodology demonstrating the functionality of air purification systems in reducing virus-loaded aerosol in indoor air J.M.B.M. van der Vossen*, A.P. Kreikamp, V. Hatt, A.M.T. Ouwens, D.J. Brasem, M. Heerikhuisen, R.C. Montijn *The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, the Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 135, 74-80