Improving compliance with isolation measures in the operating room: a prospective simulation study comparing the effectiveness and costs of simulation-based training vs video-based training L. Stutz*, B. Koertgen, T. Scheier, T. Klaentschi, H. Junge, M. Kolbe, B. Grande *Cantonal Hospital Grisons, Switzerland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 167-174
医療におけるアシネトバクター・バウマニー(Acinetobacter baumannii)の乾燥表面バイオフィルムの伝播に関する自動化接触モデル★
An automated contact model for transmission of dry surface biofilms of Acinetobacter baumannii in healthcare F. Watson*, J. Chewins, S. Wilks, B. Keevil *University of Southampton, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 175-183
Appropriateness of antibiotic use for patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria or urinary tract infection with positive urine culture: a retrospective observational multi-centre study in Korea J. Jung*, S.M. Moon, D.Y. Kim, S-H. Kim, W.J. Lee, S.T. Heo, J.Y. Park, S. Bae, M.J. Lee, B. Kim, S.Y. Park, H.W. Jeong, Y. Kim, Y.G. Kwak, K-H. Song, K-H. Park, S.H. Park, Y.K. Kim, E.S. Kim, H.B. Kim, on behalf of the Korea Study Group for Antimicrobial Stewardship *Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 79-86
非肺疾患に対する人工呼吸管理を要する患者における人工呼吸器関連肺炎の複数の定義の比較:イタリアの多施設共同コホート研究である PULMIVAP 試験の予備データ★
Comparison of multiple definitions for ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients requiring mechanical ventilation for non-pulmonary conditions: preliminary data from PULMIVAP, an Italian multi-centre cohort study L. Alagna*, E. Palomba, L. Chatenoud, R. Massafra, F. Magni, L. Mancabelli, S. Donnini, F. Elli, A. Forastieri, G. Gaipa, C. Abbruzzese, R. Fumagalli, M. Munari, A. Panacea, E. Picetti, L. Terranova, F. Turroni, R. Vaschetto, T. Zoerle, G. Citerio, A. Gori, A. Bandera *Foundation IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 90-95
Vertebral osteomyelitis after spine instrumentation surgery: risk factors and management E. Benavent*, X. Kortajarena, B. Sobrino-Diaz, O. Gasch, D. Rodríguez-Pardo, R. Escudero-Sanchez, A. Bahamonde, D. Rodriguez-Montserrat, M.J. García-País, M.D. del Toro López, L. Sorli, A. Nodar, H.H. Vilchez, E. Muũez, J.A. Iribarren, J. Ariza, O. Murillo, on behalf of the Group for the Study of Osteoarticular Infections - Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (GEIO-SEIMC) *Universitat de Barcelona, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 102-109
Pulling the plug on a pseudomonas outbreak: ancillary equipment as vectors of infection J.B. Veater*, C. Jones-Manning, J. Mellon, E. Collins, D.R. Jenkins *University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 110-116
イタリアの集中治療室で絡み合う医療関連感染と COVID-19:2006 年から2021 年のSPIN-UTIプロジェクトの解析結果★
The intertwining of healthcare-associated infections and COVID-19 in Italian intensive care units: an analysis of the SPIN-UTI project from 2006 to 2021 M. Barchitta*, A. Maugeri, G. Favara, R. Magnano San Lio, M.C. La Rosa, F. D’Ancona, A. Agodi, on behalf of the SPIN-UTI network *University of Catania, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 140, 124-131
A pharmacist-led penicillin allergy de-labelling project within a preoperative assessment clinic: the low-hanging fruit is within reach S. Wade*, E. Marshall *University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 1-5
Nutritional drinks and enteral feeds promote the growth of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in conditions that simulate disposal in hospital sinks A. Kearney*, H. Humphreys, D. Fitzgerald-Hughes *Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 74-81
Applicability and limitations of quality indicator-based assessment of appropriateness in antimicrobial use: a comparison with expert opinion S.Y. Park*, S.M. Moon, B. Kim, M.J. Lee, K.-H. Song, E.S. Kim, T.H. Kim, H.B. Kim, the Korea Study Group for Antimicrobial Stewardship (KOSGAP) *Hanyang University College of Medicine, South Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 139, 93-98