血液腫瘍患者におけるカテーテル関連血流感染症のサーベイランス:2 つの定義の比較

Surveillance of catheter-related bloodstream infections in haemato-oncology patients: comparison of two definitions
C.E.M. de Mooij*, W.J.F.M. van der Velden, P.E. Verweij, A.F.J. de Haan, L.F.J. van Groningen, C. Meijer, J. Hopman, N.M.A. Blijlevens
*Radboud University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 686-690


Healthcare workers’ attitudes to how hand hygiene performance is currently monitored and assessed
K-R. Cawthorne*, R.P.D. Cooke
*Swansea University, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 705-709

英国の地域小児病院の小児科における抗菌薬管理プログラム★ Paediatric antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the UK’s regional children’s hospitals

S. Vergnano*, A. Bamford, S. Bandi, F. Chappel, A. Demirjian, K. Doerholt, M. Emonts, L. Ferreras-Antolin, A. Goenka, L. Jones, J.A. Herberg, L. Hinds, O. McGarrity, P. Moriarty, S. O’Riordan, M. Patel, S. Paulus, D. Porter, K. Stock, S. Patel
*University of Bristol, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 736-740

2018 年ロンドン南部における麻疹の持続的伝播と同時期に発生した麻疹の院内アウトブレイクのマッピング★

Mapping a nosocomial outbreak of measles, coinciding with a period of sustained transmission in South London in 2018
J.P. Vink*, L.B. Snell, K. Bernard, H. Mitchell, R.T. Heathcock, R. Cordery, W. Newsholme
*Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 747-751

イタリア南部ナポリの感染症専門病院における医療従事者間の COVID-19:横断的調査研究の結果★

COVID-19 among healthcare workers in a specialist infectious diseases setting in Naples, Southern Italy: results of a cross-sectional surveillance study
F.M. Fusco*, M. Pisaturo, V. Iodice, R. Bellopede, O. Tambaro, G. Parrella, G. Di Flumeri, R. Viglietti, R. Pisapia, M.A. Carleo, M. Boccardi, L. Atripaldi, B. Chignoli, N. Maturo, C. Rescigno, V. Esposito, R. Dell’Aversano, V. Sangiovanni, R. Punzi
*UOC Infezioni Sistemiche e dell’Immunodepresso, Italy
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 596-600


Dissemination of antibiotic resistance and other healthcare waterborne pathogens. The price of poor design, construction, usage and maintenance of modern water/sanitation services
M.J. Weinbren*
*King’s Mill Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020)105, 406-411


Cohorting for preventing the nosocomial spread of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in nonepidemic settings: should it be mandatory?
D. Hilliquin*, A. Lomont, J-R. Zahar
*Hôpital Édouard Herriot, GH Centre, Hospices civils de Lyon, France
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020)105, 534-545

急性期病院の多数の患者・医療従事者・環境のサンプル採取により明らかにされた黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)の有意なリザーバである口腔内

The oral cavity revealed as a significant reservoir of Staphylococcus aureus in an acute hospital by extensive patient, healthcare worker and environmental sampling
A. Kearney*, P. Kinnevey, A. Shore, M. Earls, T.T. Poovelikunnel, G. Brennan, H. Humphreys, D.C. Coleman
*Dublin Dental University Hospital, University of Dublin, Ireland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020)105, 389-396


Pulmonary microbiome patterns correlate with the course of disease in patients with sepsis-induced ARDS following major abdominal surgery
F.C.F. Schmitt*, A. Lipinski, S. Hofer, F. Uhle, C. Nusshag, T. Hackert, A.H. Dalpke, M.A. Weigand, T. Brenner, S. Boutin
*Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020)105, 438-446

COVID-19 アウトブレイク時の医療従事者の安全性の確保を目的とした CE マーク非表示の呼吸用保護具の院内検証★

In-hospital verification of non-CE-marked respiratory protective devices to ensure safety of healthcare staff during the COVID-19 outbreak
R.A.C. van Wezel*, A.C.T. Vrancken, M. Ernest, J. Laurensse, J.P.C.M. van Doornmalen Gomez Hoyos
*Catharina Hospital, The Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020)105, 447-453



