
Epidemiology of and risk factors for mortality due to carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPO) in healthcare facilities


S. Zhao*, S. Kennedy, M.R. Perry, J. Wilson, M. Chase-Topping, E. Anderson, M.E.J. Woolhouse, M. Lockhart

*University of Edinburgh, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 184-193




Comparison of droplet spread in standard and laminar flow operating theatres: SPRAY study group


R. B. Newsom*, A. Amara, A. Hicks, M. Quint, C. Pattison, B.R. Bzdek, J. Burridge, C. Krawczyk, J. Dinsmore, J. Conway

*University of Portsmouth, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 194-200




SARS-CoV-2 viability on different surfaces after gaseous ozone treatment: a preliminary evaluation


E. Percivalle*, M. Clerici, I. Cassaniti, E. Vecchio Nepita, P. Marchese, D. Olivati, C. Catelli, A. Berri, F. Baldanti, P. Marone, R. Bruno, A. Triarico, P. Lago

*Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo, Italy


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 33-36


Integrating rapid diagnostics in Gram-negative bloodstream infections of patients colonized by carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales


G. Bianco*, M. Boattini, M. Iannaccone, L. Pastrone, A. Bondi, M. Peradotto, R. Cavallo, C. Costa

*University Hospital Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Italy


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 84-88


SARS-CoV-2 感染症の抗菌薬適正使用支援にプロカルシトニン評価が貢献する:後向きコホート研究★★

Evaluation of procalcitonin as a contribution to antimicrobial stewardship in SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study


E. J. Williams*, L. Mair, T.I. de Silva D.J. Green, P. House, K. Cawthron, C. Gillies, J. Wigfull, H. Parsons, D.G. Partridge

*Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 103-107



Clinical perspectives in integrating whole-genome sequencing into the investigation of healthcare and public health outbreaks ― hype or help?


B.J. Parcell*, S.H. Gillespie, K.A. Pettigrew, M.T.G. Holden

*Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 1-9



Knowledge, perceptions and experiences of nurses in antimicrobial optimization or stewardship in the intensive care unit


J. Padigos*, S. Reid, E. Kirby, J. Broom

*Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Australia


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 10-28


オランダの 3 次医療施設における多剤耐性菌保菌のスクリーニングを目的とした入院時の普遍的リスク評価★

Universal risk assessment upon hospital admission for screening of carriage with multidrug-resistant microorganisms in a Dutch tertiary care centre


D. van Hout*, P.C.J. Bruijning-Verhagen, H.E.M. Blok, A. Troelstra, M.J.M. Bonten

*University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 32-39



Why is mock care not a good proxy for predicting hand contamination during patient care?


M.F. King*, A.M. Wilson, M. López-García, J. Proctor, D.G. Peckham, I.J. Clifton, S.J. Dancer, C.J. Noakes

*University of Leeds, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 44-51


COVID-19 パンデミック期間の N95 マスクの汚染除去:汚染除去能・速さ・安全性・使い易さを高めるための簡便かつ実用的なアプローチ

Decontaminating N95 respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic: simple and practical approaches to increase decontamination capacity, speed, safety and ease of use


R. Russo*, C. Levine, C. Grady, B. Peixoto, J. McCormick-Ell, T. Block, A. Gresko, G. Delmas, P. Chitale, A. Frees, A. Ruiz, D. Alland

*New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, USA


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 52-57




