Epidemiology and incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea diagnosed upon admission to a university hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida outbreak associated with contaminated water outlets in an oncohaematology paediatric unit
Contaminated oral intubation equipment associated with an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant pseudomonas in an intensive care unit
Effective hand hygiene education with the use of flipcharts in a hospital in El Salvador
Comparison of two alcohol-based surgical scrub solutions with an iodine-based scrub brush for presurgical antiseptic effectiveness in a community hospital
Effect of drying time, ambient temperature and pre-soaks on prion-infected tissue contamination levels on surgical stainless steel: concerns over prolonged transportation of instruments from theatre to central sterile service departments
Are surgical stainless steel wires used for intracranial implantation of PrPsc a good model of iatrogenic transmission from contaminated surgical stainless steel instruments after cleaning?
Hospital outbreak of atypical mycobacterial infection of port sites after laparoscopic surgery
Effect of reduction in ciprofloxacin use on prevalence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus rates within individual units of a tertiary care hospital
High levels of hepatitis B virus DNA in body fluids from chronic carriers