COVID-19 流行の第一波時と第二波時の間で集中治療室における広域抗菌薬の使用低減は、死亡率に悪影響を及ぼさなかった
Reducing broad-spectrum antibiotic use in intensive care unit between first and second waves of COVID-19 did not adversely affect mortality

X.H.S. Chan*, C.J. O’Connor, E. Martyn, A.J. Clegg, B.J.K. Choy, A.L. Soares, R. Shulman, N.R.H. Stone, S. De, J. Bitmead, L. Hail, D. Brealey, N. Arulkumaran, M. Singer, A.P.R. Wilson
*University College London NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 124, 37-46

3 種類の擦式ゲル状アルコール製剤の忍容性および受容性:無作為化クロスオーバー試験
Tolerability and acceptability of three alcohol-based hand-rub gel formulations: a randomized crossover study

A.Peters*, C. Cave, J. Carry, J. Sauser, D. Pittet
*University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 112-118

香港における COVID-19 アウトブレイク時の看護師の手指衛生を説明する計画的行動理論の適用
Using the theory of planned behaviour to explain hand hygiene among nurses in Hong Kong during COVID-19

C.S. Sin*, T.L. Rochelle
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 119-125

Hand hygiene behaviours monitored by an electronic system in the intensive care unit–a prospective observational study

Q. Xu*, Y. Liu, D. Cepulis, A. Jerde, R.A. Sheppard, W. Reichle, L. Scott, L. Oppy, G. Stevenson, S. Bishop, S.P. Clifford, P. Liu, M. Kong, J. Huang
*University of Louisville, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 126-134

2021 年 Lowbury Lecture:抗菌薬耐性における予期せぬ出来事
Lowbury Lecture 2021: tales of the unexpected in antibiotic resistance

M. Bonten*
Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 139-142

A systematic review and meta-analysis of disease burden of healthcare-associated infections in China: an economic burden perspective from general hospitals

X. Liu*, A. Spencer, Y. Long, C. Greenhalgh, S. Steeg, A. Verma
*the University of Manchester, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 1-11

入院中の COVID-19 疑い患者の迅速スクリーニングのための FebriDx:文献のシステマティックレビューとメタアナリシス
FebriDx for rapid screening of patients with suspected COVID-19 upon hospital admission: systematic literature review and meta-analysis

G. Lippi*, R. Nocini, C. Mattiuzzi, B.M. Henry
*University of Verona, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 61-66

The efficacy of taurolidine containing lock solutions for the prevention of central-venous-catheter-related bloodstream infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

C.H. van den Bosch*, B. Jeremiasse, J.T. van der Bruggen, F.N.J. Frakking, Y.G.T. Loeffen, C.P. van de Ven, A.F.W. van der Steeg, M.F. Fiocco, M.D. van de Wetering, M.H.W.A. Wijnen
*Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, the Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 143-155

Effectiveness of a novel, non-intrusive, continuous-use air decontamination technology to reduce microbial contamination in clinical settings: a multi-centric study

S. Nagaraj*, S. Chandrasingh, S. Jose, B. Sofia, S. Sampath, B. Krishna, I. Menon, D. Kundu, S. Parekh, D. Madival, V. Nandi, A. Ghatak
*St John’s Hospital and Medical College, India

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 15-22

Nationwide surveillance system to evaluate hospital-acquired COVID-19 in Brazilian hospitals

M. Machado de Miranda Costa*, A.R. Guedes, M.D.S.P. Nogueira, L.S.C. Oliveira, L. de Souza Barros, M.R.S. Goncalves, A.A. Carvalho, H.L.C. Amaral de Moura, A.S. Levin, M.S. Oliveira
*Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), Brazil

Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 23-26



