High level disinfection of a home care device; to boil or not to boil?
Blood-borne virus transmission in healthcare settings in Ireland: review of patient notification exercises 1997-2011
Guidelines on the facilities required for minor surgical procedures and minimal access interventions
Hydrogen peroxide vapour decontamination of surfaces artificially contaminated with norovirus surrogate feline calicivirus
Comparison of cleaning efficacy between in-use disinfectant and electrolysed water in an English residential care home
Air sampling methods to evaluate microbial contamination in operating theatres: results of a comparative study in an orthopaedics department
Understaffing, overcrowding, inappropriate nurse:ventilated patient ratio and nosocomial infections: which parameter is the best reflection of deficits?
Cross-sectional survey of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus home-based decolonization practices in Scotland
Outbreak of adenovirus serotype 8 conjunctivitis in preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit