Implementation of Public Health England infection prevention and control guidance in maternity units in response to the COVID-19 pandemic S.J. Hanley*, A.B. Jones, J. Oberman, E. Baxter, D. Sharkey, J. Gray, K.F. Walker *University of Birmingham, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 219-226
Global prevalence, risk factors, and reporting practice of needlestick and sharps injuries among dental students: a systematic review and meta-analysis J. Huang*, N. Li, H. Xu, Y. Liu, N. An, Z. Cai *Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 89-101
アルバータ州エドモントンの 3 次医療施設での人工股関節または膝関節全置換術後の手術部位感染症の管理戦略に関する後向き分析
etrospective analysis of the management strategies for surgical site infection post total hip or knee arthroplasty from tertiary care centres in Edmonton, Alberta A. Ismail*, J. Leal, F. Au, S. Puloski, K. Mponponsuo, S. Smith, E. Rennert-May *University of Alberta, Canada Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 129, 1-7
The carbon footprint of the operating room related to infection prevention measures: a scoping review A. Bolten*, D.S. Kringos, I.J.B. Spijkerman, N.H. Sperna Weiland *University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 64-73
Evaluation of zone disinfection by air-passable plasma filter in a novel chamber model K.H. Baek*, S.-J. Kim, T. Kim, Y. Hwang, J.Y. Park, J.-Y. Yang, S. Ryoo, S. Lee *Korea Institute of Materials Science, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 1-7
Incidence and risk factors for hospital-acquired cholecystitis H. Ito*, A. Watanabe, S. Okaya, R. Ogawa, N. Shimojo *University of Tsukuba Hospital, Japan Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 13-18
Improvement and standardization of disinfection in hospital theatre with ultraviolet-C technology R. Bosco*, G. Cevenini, S. Gambelli, N. Nante, G. Messina *University of Siena, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 19-25
Clinical outcome of postoperative surgical site infections in patients with posterior thoracolumbar and lumbar instrumentation T. Zhang*, X. Lian, Y. Chen, B. Cai, J. Xu *Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 26-35
院内血流感染症病原体 Pantoea dispersa:症例報告および文献レビュー
Nosocomial bloodstream infection pathogen Pantoea dispersa: a case report and literature review X.L. Ruan*, X. Qin, M. Li *First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 77-82
Efficacy of biocidal agents and disinfectants against the monkeypox virus and other orthopoxviruses G. Kampf* *University Medicine Greifswald, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 101-110