A nationwide mixed-methods study of gaps and barriers to implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in hospitals in Indonesia R. Sinto*, R. Limato, S.P. Radiani, M.N. Huda, H. Surendra, A.W. Praptiwi, Y. Herman, B.A. Musaffa, G. Lazarus, N.P.J. Day, D. Limmathurotsakul, A. Karuniawati, R.L. Hamers *Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Indonesia Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 77-87
Impact of duodenoscope reprocessing factors on duodenoscope contamination: a retrospective observational study K. van der Ploeg*, M.C. Vos, N.S. Erler, A.J.C. Bulkmans, B.C.G.C. Mason-Slingerland, J.A. Severin, M.J. Bruno *Erasmus MC University Medical Center, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 88-94
Effect of a latent tuberculosis infection programme for healthcare workers in a country with an intermediate tuberculosis burden S.Y. Cho*, E. Nham, D.R. Chung*, J. Kim, J. Jeong, J.-H. Ko, K. Huh, C.-I. Kang, K.R. Peck *Samsung Medical Centre, Republic of Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 104-111
Clinically explainable machine learning models for early identification of patients at risk of hospital acquired urinary tract infection R.S. Jakobsen*, T.D. Nielsen, P. Leutscher, K. Koch *North Denmark Regional Hospital, Denmark Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 112-121
再使用可能な医療機器でのプリオン不活化法の有効性を証明するための protein misfolding cyclic amplification 法(PMCA):動物試験に代わる妥当な方法
PMCA to demonstrate the efficacy of prion inactivation methods on reusable medical devices: a relevant alternative to animal bioassays A. Igel*, M. Moudjou, P. Destrez, P. Clayette,V. Béringue *Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 60-63