2010/2011 年のパンデミック期間中のインフルエンザ(H1N1)による院内感染:3 次紹介病院における後向きコホート研究


Nosocomial H1N1 infection during 2010 – 2011 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study from a tertiary referral hospital

T. Veenith*, F. Sanfilippo, A. Ercole, E. Carter, N. Goldman, P.G. Bradley, K. Gunning, R.M. Burnstein
*Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2012) 81, 202-205
本研究の目的は、インフルエンザ A(H1N1)院内感染発生率の推定、院内感染の高リスク区域の特定、および感染患者に共通する特性の評価である。今回の単一施設の後向きコホート研究では、3 か月間に 10 例の患者がインフルエンザ A(H1N1)による院内感染の基準に合致した。全感染患者に対する治療レベル強化が必要となり、死亡率は 20%であった。医師は、日常的な感染制御対策を実施してもインフルエンザ A(H1N1)による院内感染リスクが存在することを認識するとともに、入院患者や医療従事者に対するワクチン接種を含む追加的な感染制御対策を考慮すべきである。


Are medical procedures that induce coughing or involve respiratory suctioning associated with increased generation of aerosols and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection? A rapid systematic review

J. Wilson*, G. Carson, S. Fitzgerald, M.J. Llewelyn, D. Jenkins, S. Parker, A. Boies, J. Thomas, K. Sutcliffe, A.J. Sowden, A. O’Mara-Eves, C. Stansfield, E. Harriss, J. Reilly, members of the Independent High Risk AGP Review Panel
*University of West London, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 37-46

Longitudinal two-year comparative genomic analysis of respiratory Staphylococcus aureus isolates from intensive care unit mechanically ventilated patients

S. Meyer*, A.C. Hernandez-Padilla, A-L. Fedou, T. Daix, D. Chainier, M-C. Ploy, P. Vignon, B. François, O. Barraud
*UMR INSERM 1092, Université de Limoges, France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 154, 37-44


Rapid detection and differentiation of mobile colistin resistance (mcr-1 to mcr-10) genes by real-time PCR and melt-curve analysis


M. Mentasti*, S. David, K. Sands, S. Khan, L. Davies, L. Turner, M. Wootton

*University Hospital of Wales, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 148-155




Risk factors for death in a cohort of patients with and without healthcare-associated infections in Finnish acute care hospitals


Evaluation of a personal protective equipment support programme for staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in London


E. Castro-Sánchez*, C.M. Alexander, C. Atchison, D. Patel, W. Leung, M.E. Calamita, D. Meno Garcia, C. Cimpeanu, J.M. Mumbwatasai, D. Ramid, K. Doherty, H.S. Grewal, J.A. Otter, E.M. Wells

*Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, St. Mary’s Hospital, UK


Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 68-77




