スウェーデンの医療従事者のB型肝炎ワクチン接種率 ★
Coverage of hepatitis B vaccination in Swedish healthcare workers
E. Dannetun*, A. Tegnell, A. Torner, J. Giesecke
*Landstinget i Ostergotland, Sweden
Journal of Hospital Infection (2006) 63, 201-204
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
The Hawthorne effect on adherence to hand hygiene in patient care
E. Purssell*, N. Drey, J. Chudleigh, S. Creedon, D.J. Gould
*University of London, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 311-317
Short course antibiotic therapy for Gram-negative hospital-acquired pneumonia in the critically ill
On the difficulties of isolating Clostridium difficile from hospital environments
Bacterial recolonization of the skin and wound contamination during cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial of the use of plastic adhesive drape compared with bare skin
The SPaCE diagnostic: a pilot study to test the accuracy of a novel point of care sensor for point of care detection of burn wound infection
A.E. Young*, N.T. Thet, J. Mercer-Chalmers, R.J. Greenwood, K. Coy, S. Booth, A. Sack, A.T.A. Jenkins
*University Hospital Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 726-733
- ・ 1月(28)