手術の手洗い前に指輪をはずすべきか? ★★
Should finger rings be removed prior to scrubbing for theatre?
N.K.R. Kelsall*, R.K.L. Griggs, K.E. Bowker, G.C. Bannister
*Southmead Hospital, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2006) 62, 450-452
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Decontaminating N95 and SN95 masks with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation does not impair mask efficacy and safety
K. O’Hearn*, S. Gertsman, M. Sampson, R. Webster, A. Tsampalieros, R. Ng, J. Gibson, A.T. Lobos, N. Acharya, A. Agarwal, S. Boggs, G. Chamberlain, E. Staykov, L. Sikora h, J.D. McNally
*Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Canada
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 163-175
Cold atmospheric pressure plasma and decontamination. Can it contribute to preventing hospital-acquired infections?
Correlation between the genetic diversity of nosocomial pathogens and their survival time in intensive care units
Regulation of sporicides under the European Biocidal Products Directive
Laminar airflow versus turbulent airflow in simulated total hip arthroplasty: measurements of colony-forming units, particles, and energy consumption L.V. Marsault*, C. Ravn, A. Overgaard, L.H. Frich, M. Olsen, T. Anstensrud, J. Nielsen, S. Overgaard *Odense University Hospital, Denmark Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 115, 117-123