集中治療室患者におけるカテーテルへの細菌定着およびカテーテル由来血流感染に対する消毒薬含浸カテーテルの有効性 ★
Efficacy of antiseptic-impregnated catheters on catheter colonization and catheter-related bloodstream infections in patients in an intensive care unit
S. Osma*, ナ・F. Kahveci, F.N. Kaya, H. Akalトアn, C. Ozakトアn, E. Yトアlmaz, O. Kutlay
*Uludag University, Turkey
Journal of Hospital Infection (2006) 62, 156-162
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Efficacy assessment of different time cycles of nebulized hydrogen peroxide against bacterial and yeast biofilms L. Cobrado*, P. Ramalho, E. Ricardo, Â.R. Fernandes, M-M. Azevedo, A.G. Rodrigues *University of Porto, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 7-14
Point prevalence of penicillin allergy in hospital inpatients
M. Baxter*, C. Bethune, R. Powell, M. Morgan
*Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 65-70
Bed-days and costs associated with the inpatient burden of healthcare-associated infection in the UK S. Manoukian*, S. Stewart, N. Graves, H. Mason, C. Robertson, S. Kennedy, J. Pan, K. Kavanagh, L. Haahr, M. Adil, S.J. Dancer, B. Cook, J. Reilly *Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 114, 43-50
Impact of hand sanitizer format (gel/foam/liquid) and dose amount on its sensory properties and acceptability for improving hand hygiene compliance
Infectious risk of endovaginal and transrectal ultrasonography: systematic review and meta-analysis