Compliance with a novel hand hygiene protocol tailored to non-sterile healthcare workers in the operating theatre M.D. van Dijk*, C.M. Waltmans-den Breejen, J.M.J.J. Vermeeren, S. van den Berg, E.F. van Beeck, M.C. Vos, on behalf of the Cooperating Rijnmond Hospitals *Erasmus MC University Medical Centre Rotterdam, the Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 173-180
ヒータークーラー装置由来の水サンプルにおけるマイコバクテリウム・キマイラ(Mycobacterium chimaera)の検出率の長期にわたる増加★
Longitudinal increase in the detection rate of Mycobacterium chimaera in heater-cooler device-derived water samples P.W. Schreiber*, R. Zihlmann, V. Schärer, B. Hasse, F. Imkamp, B. Schulthess, P. Sander, W. Zingg *University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 190-193
The effect of an intervention bundle to prevent central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection in a national programme in the Netherlands T.I.I. van der Kooi*, E.A. Smid, M.B.G. Koek, S.E. Geerlings, L.G.M. Bode, T.E.M. Hopmans, S.C. de Greeff *National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 194-202
イングランドの国民保健サービス(NHS)病院 4 施設における環境微生物叢の評価★
Evaluating the environmental microbiota across four National Health Service hospitals within England F. Watson*, S.A. Wilks, C.W. Keevil, J. Chewins *University of Southampton, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 203-212
2018 年から 2019 年における、クロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)に関する現行のサーベイランス実践、管理ガイドライン、治療パスウェイ、および検査の不均一性に関する欧州の調査:Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe CDI(COMBACTE-CDI)で得られた結果★
European survey on the current surveillance practices, management guidelines, treatment pathways and heterogeneity of testing of Clostridioides difficile, 2018–2019: results from The Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe CDI (COMBACTE-CDI) V.F. Viprey*, G. Granata, K.E.W. Vendrik, G.L. Davis, N. Petrosillo, E.J. Kuijper, T. Vilken, C. Lammens, J.J. Schotsman, A.D. Benson, M.A. Cataldo, T.I.I. van der Kooi, M.H. Wilcox, K.A. Davies, on behalf of the COMBACTE-CDI consortium *University of Leeds, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 213-220
Comparing the efficacy of different methods of faecal microbiota transplantation via oral capsule, oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, or gastric tube E.H. Lee*, S.K. Lee, J.H. Cheon, H. Koh, J.A. Lee, C.H. Kim, J.N. Kim, K.H. Lee, S.J. Lee, J.H. Kim, J.Y. Ahn, S.J. Jeong, N.S. Ku, D.E. Yong, S.S. Yoon, J.S. Yeom, J.Y. Choi *Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 131, 234-143
医療環境における環境サービス従事者への COVID-19 の影響:スコーピングレビュー★
Impact of COVID-19 on environmental services workers in healthcare settings: a scoping review Q.X. Ng*, C.E. Yau, C.Y.L. Yaow, Y.L. Lim, X. Xin, J. Thumboo, K.Y. Fong *Singapore General Hospital, Singapore Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 95-103
小児におけるクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)感染症のリスク因子:システマティックレビューおよびメタアナリシス★
Risk factors for Clostridioides difficile infection in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis N. Dong*, Z.R. Li, P. Qin, C.X. Qiang, J. Yang, Y.N. Niu, X.R. Niu, X.X. Liu, W.G. Wang, B.J. Wen, Z.R. Ouyang, Y.L. Zhang, M. Zhao, J.Y.R. Li, J.H. Zhao *The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 112-121
室内空気中の SARS-CoV-2 量を定量するためのプロトコールの効率と感度の最適化★
Efficiency and sensitivity optimization of a protocol to quantify indoor airborne SARS-CoV-2 levels J. Truyols-Vives*, K. Stiliyanov-Atanasov, E. Sala-Llinàs, N. Toledo-Pons, H.G. Baldoví, J. Mercader-Barceló *Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 44-51
空気清浄機 Novaerus NV800 について整形外科手術時における空気中バイオバーデンを低減する効果を評価する★
Evaluating the effect of Novarerus NV800 air purifier units during orthopaedic surgery to reduce bioburden in the air B. Lytsy*, B. Ljungqvist, J. Nordenadler, B. Reinmüller *Uppsala University, Sweden Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 130, 108-111