Image-based digital post-discharge surveillance in England: measuring patient enrolment, engagement, clinician response times, surgical site infection, and carbon footprint

M. Rochon*, A. Jawarchan, F. Fagan, J.A. Otter, J. Tanner
*Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 15-22

Evaluation of the ability of commercial disinfectants to degrade free nucleic acid commonly targeted using molecular diagnostics

S. Stoufer*, M. Demokritou, D. Buckley, P. Teska, M.D. Moore
*University of Massachusetts, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 28-37

N95 マスクの処理および滅菌の実施における系統的な品質管理の必要性★
The need for systematic quality controls in implementing N95 reprocessing and sterilization

N. Goyal*, D. Goldrich, W. Hazard, W. Stewart, C. Ulinfun, J. Soulier, G. Fink, T. Urich, R. Bascom, on behalf of the N95 Taskforce
*The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 38-45

無菌操作(PRA;procedures requiring asepsis)の実施における課題:看護師に対する質的面接研究★
Challenges undertaking procedures requiring asepsis: a qualitative interview study with nurses

D.J. Gould*, M. Courtenay, R. Gallagher, C. Hawker, J. Chudleigh, E. Purssell, N.S. Drey
*Independent Consultant, UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 55-61

An interactive feedback system for increasing hand antisepsis adherence in stationary intensive care

P. Zwicker*, M. Meng, S. Friesecke, T. Stein, A. Herzog, C. Herzer, M. Kammerlander, T. Gebhardt, C. Kugler, A. Kramer
*University Medicine, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 73-80

A methodology for using Lambda phages as a proxy for pathogen transmission in hospitals

K.B. Burke*, B.A. Berryhill, R. Garcia, D.A. Goldberg, J.A. Manuel, P.R. Gannon, B.R. Levin, C.S. Kraft, J.M. Mumma
*Emory University, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 81-88

次亜塩素酸ナトリウムは手指消毒衛生における欧州規格 EN 1500 の有効性要件を満たさない★
Failure of sodium hypochlorite to meet the EN 1500 efficacy requirement for hygienic hand disinfection

M. Suchomel*, J. Gebel, G. Kampf
*Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 133, 46-48

蒸気滅菌によるクロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病のプリオンシーディング活性低下の動態は、検証済み 134°C プログラムの使用を支持する★
Kinetics of the reduction of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease prion seeding activity by steam sterilization support the use of validated 134°C programmes

K.A. Schwenke*, K. Wagenführ, M. Thanheiser, M. Beekes
*Robert Koch Institute, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 125-132

Shedding a light on ultraviolet-C technologies in the hospital environment

N. Demeersseman*, V. Saegeman, V. Cossey, H. Devriese, A. Schuermans
*University Hospitals Leuven and Catholic University Leuven, Belgium

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 85-92

血液内科部門における難治性耐性緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)による長期化したアウトブレイク:フルオロキノロンの使用に伴うリスク上昇を示すマッチングによる症例対照研究★
A protracted outbreak of difficult-to-treat resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a haematology unit: a matched case-control study demonstrating increased risk with use of fluoroquinolone

W. Rice*, J. Martin, M. Hodgkin, J. Carter, A. Barrasa, K. Sweeting, R. Johnson, E. Best, J. Nahl, M. Denton, G.J. Hughes
*United Kingdom Heath Security Agency,UK

Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 132, 52-61



