Comparative activity of a polyhexanide-betaine solution against biofilms produced by multidrug-resistant bacteria belonging to high-risk clones
Service evaluation of alcohol-release door plates: an addition to hand hygiene
Combining detergent/disinfectant with microfibre material provides a better control of microbial contaminants on surfaces than the use of water alone
A survey to quantify wet loads after steam sterilization processes in healthcare facilities
Evaluation of droplet production by a new design of clinical handwash basin for the healthcare environment
Microbial water quality management of dental unit water lines at a dental school
Hepatitis B and C among healthcare workers and patient groups at increased risk of iatrogenic transmission in the European Union/European Economic Area
The economic impact of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in hospitals: a systematic literature review
Effectiveness and core components of infection prevention and control programmes in long-term care facilities: a systematic review
Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in emergency departments: a systematic review