院内感染 COVID-19:ロンドン南西部の大規模急性期国民保健サービス(NHS)トラストにおける経験★

Nosocomial COVID-19: experience from a large acute NHS Trust in South-West London
J. Taylor*, J. Rangaiah, S. Narasimhan, J. Clark, Z. Alexander, R. Manuel, S. Balasegaram
*Public Health England, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 621-625


Efficacies of the original and modified World Health Organization-recommended hand-rub formulations
M. Suchomel*, J. Steinmann, G. Kampf
*Medical University, Austria
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 264-270


Decontamination interventions for the reuse of surgical mask personal protective equipment: a systematic review
D.J. Zorko*, S. Gertsman, K. OHearn, N. Timmerman, N. Ambu-Ali, T. Dinh, M. Sampson, L. Sikora, J.D. McNally, K. Choong
*McMaster University, Canada
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 283-294


The Hawthorne effect on adherence to hand hygiene in patient care
E. Purssell*, N. Drey, J. Chudleigh, S. Creedon, D.J. Gould
*University of London, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 311-317

一国内の研究の複数の試験による熱傷創感染症の報告を標準化するために必要な 4 つの指標をコンセンサスにより明らかにする(ICon-B study)

Consensus demonstrates four indicators needed to standardize burn wound infection reporting across trials in a single-country study (ICon-B study)
A. Davies*, L. Teare, S. Falder, J. Dumville, M. Shah, A.T.A. Jenkins, D. Collins, B. Dheansa, K. Coy, S. Booth, L. Moore, K. Marlow, R. Agha, A. Young
*University of Bristol, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 217-225

SARS-CoV-2 の安定性および感染性に影響する因子★★

Factors affecting stability and infectivity of SARS-CoV-2
K-H. Chan*, S. Sridhar, R.R. Zhang, H. Chu, A.Y-F. Fung, G. Chan, J.F-W. Chan, K.K-W. To, I.F-N. Hung, V.C-C. Cheng, K-Y. Yuen
*University of Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 226-231

カルバペネマーゼ産生肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)の病室間伝播の潜在的な発生源としてのトイレ排水

Toilet drain water as a potential source of hospital room-to-room transmission of carbapenemas-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae
L. Heireman*, H. Hamerlinck, S. Vandendriessche, J. Boelens, L. Coorevits, E. De Brabandere, P. De Waegemaeker, S. Verhofstede, K. Claus, M.A. Chlebowicz-Flissikowska, J.W.A. Rossen, B. Verhasselt, I. Leroux-Roels
*Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 232-239

クロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)リボタイプ 027 のアウトブレイクの効率的な介入バンドルによる管理の成功

Successful management of a Clostridioides difficile ribotype 027 outbreak with a lean intervention bundle
A.B. Kuenzli*, S. Burri, C. Casanova, R. Sommerstein, N. Buetti, H.M.B. Seth-Smith, T. Bodmer, A. Egli, J. Marschall
*Bern University Hospital, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 240-245


Is there an adequate alternative to commercially manufactured face masks? A comparison of various materials and forms
G.R. Teesing*, B. van Straten, P. de Man, T. Horeman-Franse
*University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 246-253

製造業者指定の使用期限を過ぎた備蓄品の N95 マスクおよびサージカルマスクの放出:フランスでの経験
Stockpiled N95 respirator/surgical mask release beyond manufacturer-designated shelf-life: a French experience

D. Brun*, C. Curti, T. Mekideche, A. Benech, I. Hounliasso, E. Lamy, C. Castera, P. Rathelot, P. Vanelle
*Service Central de la Qualité et de I’Information Pharmaceutiques (SCQIP), France

Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 258-263


