Surgical site infections: guidance for elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic – international recommendations and clinical experience
O. Assadian*, M. Golling, C.M. Krüger, D. Leaper, N.T. Mutters, B. Roth, A. Kramer
*Regional Hospital Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 111, 189-199
Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
J.W. Tang*, W.P. Bahnfleth, P.M. Bluyssen, G. Buonanno, J.L. Jimenez, J. Kurnitski, Y. Li, S. Miller, C. Sekhar, L. Morawska, L.C. Marr, A.K. Melikov, W.W. Nazaroff, P.V. Nielsen, R. Tellier, P. Wargocki, S.J. Dancer
*University of Leicester, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 89-96
Healthcare-associated infections and the prescribing of antibiotics in hospitalized patients of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) states: a mixed-methods systematic review
T. Wade*, C. Heneghan, N. Roberts, D. Curtis, V. Williams, I. Onakpoya
*University of Oxford, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 122-132
Effect of skin antiseptic solutions on the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infection: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
T. Masuyama* , H. Yasuda, M. Sanui, A.K. Lefor
*Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Centre, Japan
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 156-164
Urgency of surgery as an indicator for the occurrence of surgical site infections: data from over 100,000 surgical procedures
S.J.S. Aghdassi*, C. Schröder, P. Gastmeier
*Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Germany
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 1-6
Healthcare resource use in hospitalized patients with carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative infections
B. Merrick*, M.K.I. Tan, K. Bisnauthsing, S.D. Goldenberg
*King’s College, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 7-14
Improved surveillance of surgical instruments reprocessing following the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease crisis in England: findings from a three-year survey
R.C. Hervé*, J. Hedges, C.W. Keevil
*University of Southampton, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 15-25
Implementation of daily chlorhexidine bathing in intensive care units for reduction of central line-ssociated bloodstream infection
T. Scheier*, D. Saleschus, M. Dunic, M.R. Fröhlich, R. Schüpbach, C. Falk, H. Sax, S.P. Kuster, P.W. Schreiber
*University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 26-32
Epidemiology of bloodstream infections in a Scottish haemodialysis population with focus on vascular access method
K. Crowe*, B. White, N. Khanna, B. Cooke, D.B. Kingsmore, A. Jackson, K.S. Stevenson, R. Kasthuri, P.C. Thomson
*Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 37-44
Outcomes of point-of-care testing for influenza in the emergency department of a tertiary referral hospital in Ireland
T.K. Teoh*, J. Powell, J. Kelly, C. McDonnell, R. Whelan, N.H. O’Connell, C.P. Dunne
*University Limerick Hospital Group, Ireland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 45-51