ドイツ北東部の超多剤耐性肺炎桿菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)ST307 のアウトブレイク株は四級アンモニウム化合物およびクロルヘキシジンに対する耐性増加を示さない
Extensively-drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST307 outbreak strain from north-eastern Germany does not show increased tolerance to quaternary ammonium compounds and chlorhexidine M. Hornschuh*, P. Zwicker, A. Kramer, K. Schaufler, S.E. Heiden, J.A. Bohnert, K. Becker, N-O. Hübner *University Medicine Greifswald, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 52-58
Potential sources of operating room air contamination: a preliminary study J.G. Brock-Utne*, J.T. Ward, R.A. Jaffe *Stanford University School of Medicine, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 59-64
Laminar airflow decreases microbial air contamination compared with turbulent ventilated operating theatres during live total joint arthroplasty: a nationwide survey R.J. Knudsen*, S.M.N. Knudsen, T. Nymark, T. Anstensrud, E.T. Jensen, M.J. La Mia Malekzadeh, S. Overgaard *Odense University Hospital, Denmark Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 65-70
Determinants of antibiotic over-prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections in an emergency department with good primary care access: a quantitative analysis Z. Huang*, Y. Weng, H. Ang, A. Chow *Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 71-76
入院時の普遍的スクリーニング:メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus;MRSA)の有病率が高い病院におけるゲームチェンジャーの可能性★★
Universal admission screening: a potential gamechanger in hospitals with high prevalence of MRSA M.A. Borg*, D. Suda, E. Scicluna, A. Brincat, P. Zarb *University of Malta, Malta Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 77-84
医療関連感染症予防のための e ヘルス:スコーピングレビュー★★
eHealth for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections a scoping review R.G. Bentvelsen*, E. Holten, N.H. Chavannes, K.E. Veldkamp *Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 96-103
重症 COVID-19 患者において真菌と細菌による同時感染は死亡率を高める★
Fungal and bacterial coinfections increase mortality of severely ill COVID-19 patients D.L. Silva*, C.M. Lima, V.C.R. Magalhães, L.M. Baltazar, N.T.A. Peres, R.B. Caligiorne, A.S. Moura, T. Fereguetti, J.C. Martins, L.F. Rabelo, J.S. Abrahão, A.C. Lyon, S. Johann, D.A. Santos *Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 145-154
Fast-cycle hydrogen peroxide nebulization against frequent healthcare-associated micro-organisms efficacy assessment L. Cobrado*, P. Ramalho, E. Ricardo, M.-M. Azevedo, A.G. Rodrigues *University of Porto, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 155-163
イタリアにおける医療関連感染症の負担:2016 年全国調査による発生率、寄与死亡率および障害調整生存年(DALY)★★
Burden of healthcare-associated infections in Italy: incidence, attributable mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from a nationwide study, 2016 V. Bordino*, C. Vicentini, A. D’Ambrosio, F. Quattrocolo, Collaborating Group, C.M. Zotti *University of Turin, Italy Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 164-171
Barriers and enablers to implementing hospital-acquired urinary tract infection prevention strategies: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework O. Fasugba*, E. McInnes, J. Baye, H. Cheng, R. Gordon, S. Middleton *St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne & Australian Catholic University, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 172-179