Prevalence and significance of bacterial contamination of autologous stem cell products
L. Damonti*, N. Buetti, S. Droz, U. Bacher, T. Pabst, B.M. Taleghani, G.M. Baerlocher, J. Marschall
*University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 112, 175-179
コロナウイルスに対する口腔内消毒薬:in-vitro および臨床エビデンス
Oral antiseptics against coronavirus: in-vitro and clinical evidence M.V. Mateos-Moreno*, A. Mira, V. Ausina-Márquez, M.D. Ferrer *Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 30-43
Ventilation design conditions associated with airborne bacteria levels within the wound area during surgical procedures: a systematic review A. Aganovic*, G. Cao, T. Fecer, B. Ljungqvist, B. Lytsy, A. Radtke, B. Reinmüller, R. Traversari *The Arctic University of Norway, Norway Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 85-95
Practical recommendations for routine cleaning and disinfection procedures in healthcare institutions: a narrative review O. Assadian*, S. Harbarth, M. Vos, J.K. Knobloch, A. Asensio, A.F. Widmer *Regional Hospital Wiener Neustadt, Austria Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 104-114
COVID-19 関連肺アスペルギルス症の発生率、診断、転帰:システマティックレビュー
Incidence, diagnosis and outcomes of COVID-19- associated pulmonary aspergillosis : a systematic review W.H. Chong*, K.P. Neu *Albany Medical Center, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 115-129
Challenges in reducing the risk of infection when accessing vascular catheters E.S. Greene* *Albany Medical College, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 130-144
in vitro 腸モデルにおける腸内細菌叢のバランス異常がカルバペネマーゼ産生腸内細菌目細菌の増殖と検出に及ぼす影響
The effect of intestinal microbiota dysbiosis on growth and detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales within an in vitro gut model H.C. Harris*, A.M. Buckley, W. Spittal, D. Ewin, E. Clark, J. Altringham, K. Bentley, I.B. Moura, M.H. Wilcox, N. Woodford, K. Davies, C.H. Chilton *University of Leeds, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 1-9
Near-field airborne particle concentrations in young children undergoing high-flow nasal cannula therapy: a pilot study E.T. Gall*, A. Laguerre, M. Noelck, A. Van Meurs, J.P. Austin, B.A. Foster *Portland State University, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 14-21
Factors associated with independent nurse prescribers’ antibiotic prescribing practice: a mixed-methods study using the Reasoned Action Approach V. Ness*, K. Currie, J. Reilly, K. McAloney-Kocaman, L. Price *Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 22-29
オーストラリアの嚢胞性線維症の成人集団におけるクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)の保菌および感染
Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection in a cohort of Australian adults with cystic fibrosis A.S. Tai*, P. Putsathit, L. Eng, K. Imwattana, D.A. Collins, S. Mulrennan, T.V. Riley *Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 113, 44-51