Direct costs associated with a hospital-acquired outbreak of rotaviral gastroenteritis infection in a long term care institution
Infection control practices among hospital health and support workers in Hong Kong
Colonisation of fluoroquinolone-resistant Haemophilus influenzae among nursing home residents in southern Taiwan
Current risk of iatrogenic Creutzfeld-Jakob disease in the UK: efficacy of available cleaning chemistries and reusability of neurosurgical instruments
New technique to take samples from environmental surfaces using flocked nylon swabs
Newspaper reporting of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and ‘the dirty hospital’
Sphingomonas paucimobilis: a persistent Gram-negative nosocomial infectious organism M.P. Ryan*, C.C. Adley *University of Limerick, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2010) 75, 153-157
Hospital-acquired, laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infections: linking national surveillance data to clinical and financial hospital data to estimate increased length of stay and healthcare costs
The 2007 Belgian national prevalence survey for hospital-acquired infections
Prevalence of nosocomial infections in The Netherlands, 2007窶・008: results of the first four national studies
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