Clinical outcome of postoperative surgical site infections in patients with posterior thoracolumbar and lumbar instrumentation T. Zhang*, X. Lian, Y. Chen, B. Cai, J. Xu *Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 128, 26-35
院内血流感染症病原体 Pantoea dispersa:症例報告および文献レビュー
Nosocomial bloodstream infection pathogen Pantoea dispersa: a case report and literature review X.L. Ruan*, X. Qin, M. Li *First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 77-82
Efficacy of biocidal agents and disinfectants against the monkeypox virus and other orthopoxviruses G. Kampf* *University Medicine Greifswald, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 101-110
COVID-19 期間中における聴診器の衛生状態の変化に関する評価:多施設横断研究
Assessing changes in stethoscope hygiene during COVID-19: a multi-centre cross-sectional study R.S. Vasudevan*, M.A. Nedjat-Haiem, A. Mahadevan, M.S. Herbert, L. Lander, T. Warsi, U. Shaikh, C. Harding, M.C. Savoia *University of California San Diego School of Medicine, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 1-6
Efficacy assessment of different time cycles of nebulized hydrogen peroxide against bacterial and yeast biofilms L. Cobrado*, P. Ramalho, E. Ricardo, Â.R. Fernandes, M-M. Azevedo, A.G. Rodrigues *University of Porto, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 7-14
フランスの精神保健センターでの社会療法活動中の 2 種の変異株が関与する COVID-19 のスーパースプレッディングイベント
A COVID-19 superspreading event involving two variants during sociotherapy activities in a French mental health centre C. Ferriot*, C. Durance, L. Trutt, C. Rozo, C. Louvigné, C. Bressollette-Bodin, G. Birgand *Centre d’appui pour la Prévention des Infections Associées aux Soins des Pays de la Loire, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 34-38
Prediction of impending central-line-associated bloodstream infections in hospitalized cardiac patients: development and testing of a machine-learning model K. Bonello*, S. Emani, A. Sorensen, L. Shaw, M. Godsay, M. Delgado, F. Sperotto, M. Santillana, J.N. Kheir *Boston Children’s Hospital, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 44-50
低濃度の過酸化水素蒸気の殺菌効果と BSL-3 実験室での検証
Bactericidal efficacy of a low concentration of vaporized hydrogen peroxide with validation in a BSL-3 laboratory C. Tao*, G. Sun, X. Tang, Y. Gan, G. Liang, J. Wang, Y. Huang *Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 51-58
アイルランドの過密な救急部において全ゲノムシークエンシングにより明らかにされた SARS-CoV-2 伝播の広がり
Repeated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in an overcrowded Irish emergency department elucidated by whole-genome sequencing D. Hare*, C. Meaney, J. Powell, B. Slevin, B. O’ Brien, L. Power, N.H. O’ Connell, C.F. De Gascun, C.P. Dunne, P.J. Stapleton *University Hospital Limerick, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 1-9
医療従事者の靴底から採取されたクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)株は感染患者と疫学的関連があり、全ゲノムシークエンシングにより一致が確認された
Matching Clostridioides difficile strains obtained from shoe soles of healthcare workers epidemiologically linked to patients and confirmed by whole-genome sequencing A.C. Büchler*, M. Wicki, R. Frei, V. Hinic, H.M.B. Seth-Smith, A. Egli, A.F. Widmer *University of Basel, Switzerland Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 126, 10-15